AGS Document List   100/AGS(Secreatariat)200-299

Title Date Requestor
200 Activities for synchronization of audio and video in JEITA, ARIB, etc. 2005-09 J. Yoshio
201 PACT smart home 2005-09-24 S. Hirakawa
202 Volume and file structure for sequential recording of high-data-transfer-rate moving pictures - ODF: Original disk format 2005-09 D. Koide and Y. Komachi
203 Items/Projects discussed in the AGS meetings and Candidates of future TAs 2005-09-22 Y. Komachi
204 SMPTE DC28 Report 2005-09-22 M. Hyman
205 DMB (Digital multimedia broadcasting) service in Korea 2005-09-23 J. Y. Lee
206 Protocol stack for consumer equipment 2005-09-23 K. Grant
207 Recommendations and agreed action items, 18th AGS meeting on Sept. 26, 2005 2005-09-26 Secretariat
208 JTC1 SWG on Accessibility 2005-09-26 K. Grant
209 Report of the eighteenth meeting of TC 100/AGS on 26 Sept. 2005 in San Jose 2005-11 Secretariat
210 Agenda of the nineteenth meeting of the TC100/AGS on 10 May 2006 2006-05 Secretariat
211 Attendee list of the 19th TC100 AGS meeting held on 2006-05-10 in Helsinki 2006-05-05 Secretariat
212 Preliminary NP: Architectural model and usecase for PIM ontology 2006-05 K. Ohno
213 Conceptual model for PACT smart home standardization 2006-05 S. Hirakawa and Y. Komachi
214, 214rev NP-Proposal for T-DMB Receiver Standard 2006-02 J. Y. Lee
215, 215rev Introducing "1-seg" Terrestrial Digital TV in Japan 2006-05 J. Yoshio
216, 216rev NP: Measurement and assessment of synchronization of audio and video 2006-05 H. Ikeda
217 Preliminary NP: Reader's format for e-publishing 2006-05 Y. Uemura
218 SMPTE DC28 Report and TC100 standardization issues 2006-04 M. Hyman
219 Reference projector and environment for display of DCDM in review rooms and theatres 2006-04 M. Hyman
220 Digital cinema projection image measurements 2006-04 M. Hyman
221rev Domain management and its application to home server 2006-04 K. Murakami
222 Handheld receiver for DVB-H, etc., ITU-R new recommendation 2006-04 S. Hirakawa
223 WSC (World Standards Cooperation) Conference on ICT 2006-05 S. Hirakawa
224 The DLNA interoperability guidelines for international standardization 2006-05 G. Stone
225 Multimedia DRM interoperability 2006-05 Y. Kim
226 Liaison report on JTC1/SC29, etc. 2006-04 K. Grant
227 Items/Projects discussed in the AGS meetings and Candidates of new TAs 2006-05 S. Hirakawa and Y. Komachi
228 Digital technologies in the home 2006-05 S. Hirakawa
229 Executive report of the 4th meeting of task group 6/9 2006-05 S. Hirakawa
230 Items/Projects discussed in the AGS meetings and Candidates of new TAs 2006-05 S. Hirakawa
231 Multichannel audio surrounding and loudness data 2006-05 J. Yoshio
232 Recommendations and agreed action items, The 19th AGS meeting on May 10, 2006 2006-05 Secretariat
233 Scope of the AGS 2006-05-10 Secretariat
234 Draft minutes of 19th AGS meeting 2006-08-20 Secretariat
235 Draft agenda of the 20th meeting of the TC100/AGS on Tuesday, 26 September 2006 2006-09 Secretariat
236 Attendee list of the 20th TC100 AGS meeting 2006-09 Secretariat
237 (Report of JTC1 SC25/WG1) 2006-09 A. Toba
238 Policy statement on multimedia smart home technology 2006-09 S. Hirakawa and N. Minami
239 (China home network standard activity and proposal) 2006-09 G. Wang and Z. Subing
240 High definition TV recording 2006-09 E. van Nijhuis
241 Report of the first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on IPTV 2006-09 S. Hirakawa
242 Related activites on SNS (Social Networking Site) technology 2006-09 K. Ohno
243 Status report for preparing NPs on One-seg Receivers 2006-09 J. Yoshio
244 Requirements for "Vocabulary and reference model for standardizing multimedia quality 2006-09 J. Yoshio
245 Domain management and its application to home server 2006-09 K. Murakami
246 Items/Projects discussed in the AGS meetings and Candidates of new TAs 2006-09 S. Hirakawa and Y. Komachi
247 Recommendations and agreed action items, The 20th AGS meeting 2006-09
248 Digital Cinema Report to TC100 AGS (Berlin 2006) 2006-09 M. Hyman
249 DVB-H market status and commercial status 2006-09 P. Talmola
250 Liaison report on JTC1/SC29 2006-09 K. Grant
251 Multichannel audio surrounding and loudness data 2006-09 J. Yoshio
252 Report of the first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on IPTV 2006-09 S. Hirakawa
253 Draft minutes of 20th AGS meeting 2006-11 Secretariat
254 Draft agenda of the 21th meeting of the TC100/AGS on Wednesday, 16 May 2007 2007-03 Secretariat
255 Attendee list of the 21th TC100 AGS meeting 2007-05 Secretariat
256 Statements from ISO/TC36 2006-12 Secretariat
257 Working Document: Aspects of IPTV End Systems 2006-10 Secretariat
258 Cooperation between IEC TC100 and IPTV Focus Group 2007-01 Secretariat
259 Accessibility Updates and Mapping Opportunities 2007-05 J. Baronas and K. Grant
260 IPTV at CEA 2007-05 E. Barrett
261 Reports of SMPTE DC28 and ISO/TC36 2007-05-02 M. Hyman
262 Cooperation between IEC TC100 and IPTV Focus Group 2007-05 Secretariat
263 Report of the meetings of ITU-T Focus Group on IPTV 2007-05 S. Hirakawa
264 Report of WSC 2007 2007-05 S. Hirakawa
265 Reports and plans of TA 9 and JTC 1/SC 25 Coordination meetings 2007-05 S. Hirakawa
266 Domain management fordigital content broadcasting 2007-05 S. Matsumura
267 IEC 62507 Basic rules for identification systems 2007-05-11 P. Svensson and H. Ikeda
268 Study of the general multi-channel assignment 2007-05 J. Yoshio
269 The new TA proposal 2007-05 J. Yoshio and H. Ikeda
270 IEC security and TC100 strategy for security standardization 2007-05 J. Yoshio
271 The seamless home network to the car system 2007-05 J. Yoshio
272 Draft proposal for TA11 2007-05 J. Yoshio
273 Items/Projects discussed in the AGS meetings and Candidates of new TAs 2007-05 Y. Komachi and S. Hirakawa
274 Recommendations and agreed action items, The 21th AGS meeting 2007-05
275 An introduction to HD Photo 2007-05 R. Rossi
276 Liaison Officer report of JTC1 SC29 activities to IEC TC 100 2007-05 K. Grant
277 BWF format 2007-05-16 J. Yoshio
278 Draft minutes of 21st AGS meeting 2007-05 Secretariat
279 Draft agenda of the 22nd meeting of the TC100/AGS on Monday, 08 Oct. 2007 2007-09-18 Secretariat
280 Attendee list of the 22nd TC100 AGS meeting 2007-10-08 Secretariat
281 TC100 strategy for IPTV standardization 2007-09 S. Hirakawa
282 Report of the stage 0 project to develop and evaluate TR on TC100 accessibility 2007-09 J. Baronas and K. Grant
283 Report of SMB/SG1 2007-09 N. Minami
284 Reports of SMPTE DC28, Digital Cinema 2007-09 M. Hyman
285 Report of ITU-T activities on IPTV (FG) 2007-09 S. Hirakawa
286 Report of ITU-T activities on IPTV (SG9) 2007-09 S. Hirakawa
287 Draft NP, Architectural model and usecase for PIM ontology 2007-10 K. Ohno
288 Post PACT activity 2007-10 N. Minami
289 Proposal for new TA on multimedia quality 2007-10 J. Yoshio
290 Items/Projects discussed in the AGS meetings and Candidate(s) of new TA(s) 2007-10 S. Hirakawa and Y. Komachi
291 TC100 requirements for identifying TC100 objects 2007-10 H. Ikeda
292 Multichannel audio surrounding and loudness data 2007-10 J. Yoshio
293 TC100 strategy for security standardization 2007-10 J. Yoshio
294 DVB-H market status and commercial status 2007-10 P. Talmola
295 Energy efficient networks - an opportunity not to be missed 2007-10 M. Ellis
296 Recommendations and agreed action items, The 22nd AGS meeting on Oct 08, 2007 2007-10 Y. Komachi and S.Hirakawa
297 Draft minutes of 22nd AGS meeting 2007-10 Secretariat
298 Draft agenda of the 23rd meeting of the TC100/AGS on Monday, 23 April, 2008 2008-04 Secretariat
299 Attendee list of the 23rd TC100 AGS meeting 2008-04 Secretariat