1. AGS thanks Dr. Ikeda for his reporting the stage 0 project on TC100 object IDs and asks him to proceed the project.
2. AGS identifies the user requirements for common APIs for T-DMB receivers and requests Korean NC to forward 100/AGS357 to TA1 for NP submission.
3. AGS thanks Mr. Talmola for his presentation on mobile-TV services and markets and requests him to report updated information for them.
4. AGS requests Mr. Hyman (or a member of SMPTE to be appointted) to report of updated information on SMPTE and ISO TC 36 digital cinema.
5. AGS thanks Mr. Markwalter for his presentation on CEA activities in 3D adhoc and expects the CEA activities will be reported to TC100 in the future.
6. AGS requests Mr. Yoshio to revise the 100/AGS345 and forward it to AGM for discussion of the next revision of TC100 guidelines and procedures.
7. AGS appreciates the works and reports of the adhoc group on energy efficiency and requests the group to propose a New TA on Energy Efficiency by forwarding 100/AGS355 to AGM.
8. AGS thanks Mr. Talmola, Dr. Hirakawa (for Mr. Minami) and Dr. Lee (Korean NC) for their status reports on battery charge interface, LVDC, Smart Grids and Korean energy-efficiency policies.
9. AGS identifies the requirement and status of twin text solution of TA8 permission codes.
10. AGS appreciates the works and reports of the high-level meeting and its adhoc and requests Dr. Hirakawa to encourage the coordination activities with ITU-T, JTC1 and ETSI.
11. AGS identifies the importance of TC100 standardization model including IPTV, PC hardware, etc. and requests Mr. Yoshio to draft an NP on this topic.
12. AGS identifies the clarification of the collaboration between TC100 and TC108 activities and requests AGM to review the proposed modification of TC100 scope.
13. AGS requests Ms. Baronas to report of updated information of TC100 accessibility.
14. AGS expresses its appreciation to the CEA for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting. Special thanks are due to Ms. Hayes for hosting and supporting of the AGS.