Date: 2009-5-20 / 10:00-17:00 Meeting Place: CEA Headquarter, Arlington VA, USAAttendees:
[Members] AGS Chairman Mr./Dr. Yushi Komachi JP AGS Secretary Mr. Norimasa Minami JP/TC100 Assistant Secretary (absent) TC100 Chairman Mr. Mark Hyman US TC100 Secretary Mr./Dr. Shuji Hirakawa JP IEC CO Mr. Matei Cocimarov CH AGS, TA1 TAM Mr. David Felland US (absent) AGS, TA6&7 TS Mr./Dr. Mikio Mukai JP AGS, TA8 TAM Mr. Shuichi Matsumura JP (absent) AGS Ms. Jean Baronas US AGS Mr. Karl Brookes UK AGS Mr. Tadashi Ezaki JP/TC100 Assistant Secretary AGS Ms./Dr. Kate Grant UK (absent) AGS Ms. Megan Hayes US AGS Mr. Eric van Nijhuis NL AGS Mr. Pekka Talmola FIac AGS Mr. Dietrich Westerkamp DE (absent) AGS Mr. Junichi Yoshio JP AGS Mr. Subing Zhang CN (absent) [Observers] Mr. Ed Barrett US Mr./Dr. Jae-Young Lee KR Mr. Brian Markwalter US Mr. Taisuke Matsumoto US Mr. Eero Sorri FI Mr. James Williamson US Mr. John Woodgate UKDiscussions:
0. Meeting call to order at 10:05 1. Opening and reconfirmation of the AGS scope --- 100/AGS(Secr.)233 Welcome massage & host remarks by Mr. Markwalter/CEA. AGS scope by Prof. Komachi. 2. Approval of the agenda --- 100/AGS(Secr.)342 3 items on Digital-TV, 3D-TV and the high-level meeting were added to the agenda, and the agenda was approved. 3. Review of the minutes of the last meeting --- 100/AGS(Secr.)339 AGS confirmed the minutes. 4. Membership of AGS --- SMB/3922/R AGS confirmed no membership change from SMB/3922/R. Attendees list of 24th TC100/AGS meeting (100/AGS(Secr.)343) was circulated requesting entry of the autograph. 5. New Technologies within the scope of TC100 5.1 Follow-up of Response Plan on the PACT report (1) Technical report on TC100 object identification and classification of resources --- 100/AGS(Secr.)344 Report of the stage 0 project was prepared by Dr. Ikeda and was explained by Dr. Komachi. 5.2 Follow-up of other issues of 23rd (or former) meeting (1) Digital TV receiver and mobile equipment - Common API for T-DMB receivers --- 100/AGS(Secr.)357 Dr. Lee explained user requirements of common API for T-DMB receivers. Dr. Hirakawa pointed that ITU has a guideline of API, and he advised that clarification of the relationship with existing APIs will be useful. - DVB-H mobile TV market status --- 100/AGS(Secr.)362 Mr. Talmora reported the global situation of mobile-TV. (2) Digital Cinema - Reports of SMPTE DC28 and ISO/TC36 --- 100/AGS(Secr.)356 Mr. Hyman reported the current status on activities relating to digital cinema. SMPTE agreed to establish a liaison with TC100, and this liaison will be taken care by TA6. (3) 3D TV - CEA 3D update --- 100/AGS(Secr.)364 Mr. Markwalter reported the update status on CEA's 3D activities. Dr. Hirakawa asked if CEA-861 was standardized in IEC. Ms. Baronas pointed that CEA-861-A had been sent to TC100/TA4 in 2001 but no update information. (4) TC100 security - Report of Adhoc Group on IETF scheme for TC100 security standardization --- 100/AGS(Secr.)345 Mr. Yoshio reported the security adhoc group activity. Ms. Baronas advised some changes to the draft text for the next revision of TC100 procedure guideline. (5) Energy Efficiency - Report of Adhoc Group on Priority for TC100 energy efficiency --- 100/AGS(Secr.)341 - Report of SMB SG.1 --- SMB/3970/R - SMB SG1 Recommendations, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources --- 100/AGS(Secr.)360 - TC100 response to SMB 3970R --- 100/AGS(Secr.)349 - Report on the Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Group (EEAHG) --- 100/AGS(Secr.)365 - New TA proposal on TC100 energy efficiency --- 100/AGS(Secr.)355 Ms. Baronas reported the energy efficiency adhoc group activities and TC100's response to SMB 3970R. Mr. Woodgate questioned the reason to exclude labeling and classification. Ms. Baronas agreed that EEAHG would prepare rational of that exclusion. Formation of new TA will be discussed in the AGM meeting. - Battery charging interface for small hand-held multimedia devices --- 100/AGS(Secr.)350, 100/AGS(Secr.)363 Mr. Talmola explained the European activity in the battery charger using micro-USB I/F. Mr. Hirakawa pointed that micro-USB I/F was not an international standard. - Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) distribution systems --- 100/AGS(Secr.)351 - Smart Grids --- 100/AGS(Secr.)352 Mr. Hirakawa explained above 2 documents on behalf of Mr. Minami. 5.3 New contributions (1) The high-level meeting of ITU-T, JTC1 and IEC/TC100 - Report of the 1st high-level meeting --- 100/AGS(Secr.)340 - Report of the 1st Adhoc --- 100/AGS(Secr.)346, 100/AGS(Secr.)361 - Minutes of the 1st Adhoc --- 100/AGS(Secr.)347 - Status reports for the common text on TA8 permission codes --- 100/AGS(Secr.)348 Mr. Hirakawa explained the current situation of relationship with ITU-T and JTC1 using above 5 documents. (2) New TC100 standardization model including IPTV, PC hardware and etc. - Requirements and the 1st working draft for the standardization model --- 100/AGS(Secr.)359 Mr. Yoshio explained the necessity of the new standardization model because of the expansion of TC100 activity area. Mr. Woodgate and Dr. Komachi pointed that "PC" contained various implications so that more clarifications would be necessary. (3) Relationship between TC100 and TC108 - Relationship between TC100 and TC108, and proposal to modify the scopes --- 100/AGS(Secr.)353 Mr. Hirakawa reported the result of the meeting between TC100 and TC108 during the energy efficiency dicussion (5.2 - (5)). 5.4 Reports on related activities (1) Update on ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 --- 100/AGS(Secr.)3xx Skipped due to absence of Dr. Grant. (2) Report on accessibility project --- 100/AGS(Secr.)354 Ms. Baronas reported the stage 0 project of activity. Dr. Komachi informed that TA10/Japan was preparing an NP regarding accessibility. (3) WSC Report --- 100/AGS(Secr.)3xx Dr. Hirakawa apologized but he could not attend the WSC meeting this year. 6. Review of recommendations and agreed action items --- 100/AGS(Secr.)366 See Annex A 7. Meeting schedule Next meeting is tentatively planned on May 19th 2010 in Athens. 8. Other business None. 9. Closing AGS appreciated kind hospitality to CEA. The meeting was adjourned at 4:55pm.
1. AGS thanks Dr. Ikeda for his reporting the stage 0 project on TC100 object IDs and asks him to proceed the project.
2. AGS identifies the user requirements for common APIs for T-DMB receivers and requests Korean NC to forward 100/AGS357 to TA1 for NP submission.
3. AGS thanks Mr. Talmola for his presentation on mobile-TV services and markets and requests him to report updated information for them.
4. AGS requests Mr. Hyman (or a member of SMPTE to be appointted) to report of updated information on SMPTE and ISO TC 36 digital cinema.
5. AGS thanks Mr. Markwalter for his presentation on CEA activities in 3D adhoc and expects the CEA activities will be reported to TC100 in the future.
6. AGS requests Mr. Yoshio to revise the 100/AGS345 and forward it to AGM for discussion of the next revision of TC100 guidelines and procedures.
7. AGS appreciates the works and reports of the adhoc group on energy efficiency and requests the group to propose a New TA on Energy Efficiency by forwarding 100/AGS355 to AGM.
8. AGS thanks Mr. Talmola, Dr. Hirakawa (for Mr. Minami) and Dr. Lee (Korean NC) for their status reports on battery charge interface, LVDC, Smart Grids and Korean energy-efficiency policies.
9. AGS identifies the requirement and status of twin text solution of TA8 permission codes.
10. AGS appreciates the works and reports of the high-level meeting and its adhoc and requests Dr. Hirakawa to encourage the coordination activities with ITU-T, JTC1 and ETSI.
11. AGS identifies the importance of TC100 standardization model including IPTV, PC hardware, etc. and requests Mr. Yoshio to draft an NP on this topic.
12. AGS identifies the clarification of the collaboration between TC100 and TC108 activities and requests AGM to review the proposed modification of TC100 scope.
13. AGS requests Ms. Baronas to report of updated information of TC100 accessibility.
14. AGS expresses its appreciation to the CEA for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting. Special thanks are due to Ms. Hayes for hosting and supporting of the AGS.