1. AGS accepts the change of membership from DigitalEurope replacing Mr. Karl Brookes with Ms. Ulrike Haltrich.
2. AGS thanks Mr. Talmola for his presentation and requests him to report updated information of digital TV market status.
3. AGS requests activity reports on digital cinema for SMPTE by Mr. Ohtaka. ISO/TC36 on digital cinema consideration would be given to NCs for seeking a replacement for Mr. Hyman.
4. AGS accepts 100/AGS393 as a reference information when drafting standards associating TC100 accessibility. Actual text is in 100/AGS393.
5. AGS accepts the Ms. Baronas's report on SMB SG1 regarding IEC/TC100 energy efficiency adhoc group EE-AHG recommendations.
6. AGS accepts the proposal 100/AGS388 and requests Ms. Baronas and Mr. Minami to establish task groups for proposing TC100 requirements to SMB SG3 and SG4 respectively. Responding task groups should be organized in accordance with the discussion in AGM considering liaisonship with IEC/TC59.
7. AGS thanks Dr. Hirakawa for his report on the high-level adhoc meeting and requests him to encourage the coordination activities with ITU-T, JTC1 and ETSI.
8. AGS accepts 100/AGS395 and 396 the interim reports of future technology task group FT-TG and requests Dr. Mukai to provide the next report on user requirements for future TC100 standardization after the next task group meeting.
9. AGS accepts requirements for creating an International Standard of USB including battery charging and other USB specifications and requests AGM to establish category D liaison with USB Implementers Forum to develop the USB specifications.
10. AGS accepts 100/AGS390 as status and strategy reports for keeping a good relationship between TC100 and TC108.
11. AGS thanks Ms. Hayes and Mr. Minami for their status reports on contactless power transmission and requests Ms. Hayes to clarify a TC100 position on this technology.
12. AGS thanks Mr. Tian for his presentation on DRA and requests him to forward the information to TA1 and TA4 for further discussion from the technical point of view.
13. AGS thanks Dr. Grant for her report and requests her to report of updated information of JTC1/SC29 activity.
14. AGS thanks Mr. Fairhurst for his report and requests him to report updated information of CEA 3D activities. AGS identifies it is a good timing to consider international standardization of 3D technology and requests Mr. Fairhurst and Dr. Hirakawa to develop a strategy to create International Standards on the technology taking liaison with associated organizations.
15. AGS expresses its appreciation to Greek National Committee for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting.