1. AGS thanks Mr. Ohtaka for his report, and requests him to show updated information for SMPTE activitis, in particular, 3D cinema.
2. AGS thanks Mr. Inokuchi and Mr. M. Stelts for their reports on SG3 and SG4 respectively, and requests them to show updated information for those SGs.
3. AGS identifies the requirement for liaisonship with TC 57/WG 21 and requests AGM to establish the liaison relationship.
4. AGS requests Study Session 1 to create a draft NP for terminology standard of 3D technology, and requests it to discuss a roadmap of quality measurement standard discussing with TA11.
5. AGS requests Study Session 2 to establish task group for SG5 of SMB, and requests updated reports clarifying TC100 standardizaion of AAL.
6. AGS requests Study Session 3 to hold a harmonizing meeting for establishing a stage-0 project to develop a TR on the proposed topics of Study Session 3.
7. AGS requests Study Session 4 to hold a brain storming session to discuss standardization strategy for the proposed topics of Study Session 4 and requests updated reports.
8. AGS identifies the requirement for standardization for multimedia equipment for electric vehicle and requests establishment of Study Session 5 appointing Mr. J. Yoshio as a leader of the session.
9. AGS requests TA1 and TA4 to discuss how to deal with "Implementing guide to DRA audio decoder in a DTMB receiver" within the scope of TC100.
10. AGS thanks Mr. Narui for his report on Tools of Change Frankfurt Conference 2011 and appreciates his TC100/TA10 technical exploitation campaign in the Conference.
11. AGS thanks Mr. Ezaki for his information on the 4th high-level adhoc meeting and requests him to encourage the coordination with ITU-T, JTC1, ETSI and CENELEC.
12. AGS requests Korean NC to modify the title, scope and contents of the proposal on IPTV(100/AGS466) to be consulted by TC100 Secretaries.
13. AGS requests Chinese NC to clarify the Smart TV technology from the TC100 standardization point of view and to submit the revised contribution to the next AGS meeting.
14. AGS expresses its appreciation to AU National Committee for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting.