1. AGS confirms that Mr. Fairhurst and Mr. Inokuchi were appointed as a member and the secretary of AGS respectively.
2. AGS requests SS1 to investigate 3D terminology being standardized by TC110 and to report TC100 specific terminology that is not yet dealt with by TC110 at the next AGS. AGS recommends AGM create Stage 0 project for this work.
3. AGS requests SS1 to clarify the anticipated 3D and combining 3D/UHD issues to be standardized within the scope of TC100 and requests SS1 to request CEA to introduce CEA-2038 to TC100.
4. AGS requests SS2 to go ahead with its action plans in a stage 0 project to develop a TR of AAL, considering the presentation of Mr. K. P. Wegge and associated discussions.
5. AGS accepts the report of SS4, and recommends that the issues of measurement of stand-by power and network stand-by should be dealt with in TA12, 13 or 14 for standardization and disbanding SS4.
6. AGS requests SS5 to hold an ad-hoc meeting to begin international discussion for the TC100 strategy on multimedia technology for EV.
7. AGS requests "Gigabit video interface (GVIF) for multimedia systems" to be proposed as an NP after discussion in TA4.
8. AGS thanks Mr. Ohtaka for his report, and requests him to continue to provide updated information on SMPTE digital cinema activities.
9. AGS requests TC100 to accept the proposal of new TA on WPT after clarification of its TAM, title and scope considering the technical boundary between the new TA and JTC1 groups on WPT.
10. AGS requests Mr. Inokuchi to prepare a new SS6 to begin the preliminary discussions for the robotics technology within the scope of TC100.
11. AGS requests TA5 to investigate the SmartCable issues of ITU-T/FG on SmartCable.
12. AGS requests TC100 secretary and assistant secretaries to investigate a scheme to encourage AGS member to enhance participation in AGS activities.
13. AGS expresses its appreciation to German National Committee for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting and providing excellent facilities and refreshments.