 For IEC use only




Recommendations and agreed action items,
the 33rd meeting of the TC100/AGS on Wednesday, 05 June 2013

1. AGS notes that Ms. Alayne Bell was appointed as a member of AGS, and thanks Ms. Shazia McGeehan for her contributions to AGS.

2. AGS accepts Mr. Fairhurst's proposal for work on new topics on 3D terminology/quality and UHD issues and requests him to hold adhoc meeting for international discussion on the topics.

3. AGS thanks MS. J. Laurila for her report of SMB SG5 activities and requests her to report on SG5 progress and results to the next AGS meeting.

4. AGS requests SS2 to progress its action plans in the stage 0 project to develop the TR of AAL.

5. AGS recommends the German NC to submit the text of universAAL framework for user interaction in AAL Spaces using the PAS procedure.

6. AGS recommends AGM to create a stage 0 project for developing a TR on conceptual model of standardization for multimedia car systems and equipment, and for considering the development of other related standards, e.g., video data recorder, information services for car, and etc., and establish liasion with related organizations.

7. AGS requests Mr. T. Inokuchi to continue to investigate multimedia robotic systems for clarifying the potential TC100 standardization items, and asks him to report progress to the next meeting.

8. AGS thanks Mr. T. Inokuchi for the overview of the study sessions; it is clear study sessions are an effective tool for exploring new areas.

9. AGS requests Mr. H. Ohtaka to continue to provide updated information on SMPTE digital cinema activities.

10. AGS understands that the visible light beacon system was standardized and implemented in Japan and recommends the Japanese NC to provide an NP/CDV simultaneous submission of the topic for balloting after the review by AGM.

11. AGS recommends that the document 100/AGS539 and draft specification should be forwarded to GMT requesting consultation on the development of an international standard on this topic.

12. AGS requests to establish SS6 on multimedia user interface to clarify the TC100 standardization issues on the topic and appoints Mr. T. Ezaki as a tentative leader of the SS6.

13. AGS thanks Mr. A. Mason for his presentation on document 100/AGS531(Tech Doc 3344), and Tech Doc 3344 will now be circulated to the AGS. In addition the AGS notes the category A liaison with EBU.

14. AGS recommends Dr. Grajski and Dr. Lim to prepare response on TC100 interests in the future wireless power transfer, and TC100 Secretary to forward it to MSB.

15. AGS recommends the document 100/AGS536 should, at first, be forwarded to TA1 requesting harmonization with existing TA1 and TA1 smart TV project.

16. AGS thanks Mr. D. Westerkamp for his report on DVB activities relevant to IEC TC 100 and requests him to report updated information on DVB to each meeting.

17. AGS thanks Mr. T. Ezaki and Mr. D. Felland for their report on Ad-Hoc TC 100 High-Level meeting.

18. AGS requests Mr. D. Felland to establish a subgroup PONT (Productive Overlap Net Team) for drafting a collaboration matrix.

19. AGS requests that ITU-T (Dr. Kawamori) in consultation with Mr. Kinoshita, TA 8 expert, draft an NP on requirements for standardization on IPTV terminals for submission to IEC TC 100.

20. AGS requests TC100 secretary to contact with the AGS area nominating organizations to ensure members can attend meetings, and to discuss some dispositions including a member change if necessary.

21. AGS expresses its appreciation to UK National Committee for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting and providing excellent facilities and refreshments.