1. AGS appoints Mr. H. Zhang as a new leader of SS1 and requests him to clarify the program of work for the SS1 including the existing stage 0 project of 3D terminology/quality and UHD.
2. AGS thanks Ms. J. Laurila and Ms. U. Haltrich for their report of SMB SG5 and requests them to report on SG5 activities to the next AGS meeting.
3. AGS requests SS2 to progress its work plans in the stage 0 project to develop the TR of AAL.
4. AGS requests SS5 to progress its work plans in the stage 0 project to develop the TR: Conceptual model of standardization for multimedia car systems and equipment.
5. AGS requests Mr. T. Ezaki to call for membership of SS6 and encourage international discussions on multimedia user interfaces.
6. AGS requests to establish SS7 on robotics technology to clarify the TC100 standardization issues on the topic and appoints Mr. T. Inokuchi as an interim leader of the SS7.
7. AGS thanks Mr. Ohtaka for his report, and requests him to continue to provide updated information on SMPTE digital cinema activities.
8. AGS recommends GMT to discuss CEA-2034 in the meeting this week before submitting it as an IEC standard.
9. AGS thanks Mr. J. Yoshio and Mr. A. Mason for their status report of EBU Tech Doc 3344 and requests them to report the revised 3344.
10. AGS recommends TC100 secretariat to appoint an appropriate member for participating in the SEG on Smart City.
11. AGS thanks Mr. T. Inokuchi for information about ACEE and requests him to deliver a TC100 presentation to ACEE.
12. AGS requests AGM to decide the allocation of maintenance work for IEC 62684.
13. AGS thanks Mr. T. Ezaki for his preliminary information of the 5th Ad-Hoc, TC 100 High-Level meeting and requests him to circulate the updated meeting notice.
14. AGS requests Mr. D. Felland to to hold a meeting this week to discuss the PONT topics.
15. AGS thanks Mr. A. Gelter for his introduction to AVB. AGS expects it should be discussed within SS5 and TA4.
16. AGS expresses its appreciation to Chinese National Committee for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting and providing excellent facilities and refreshments.