1. AGS notes that Mr. Hamid Amir-Alikhani and Mr. Hong Zhang were appointed as members of AGS, and thanks Mr. Eric van Nijhuis and Mr. Subing Zhang for their contributions to AGS.
2. AGS appoints Dr. Cheng Lu as a co-leader of SS1 and requests AGS members to provide experts of SS1 to study new standardization issues for 3D printer/scanner and related technology.
3. According to the study, AGS will modify the title (3D terminology/quality and UHD) and scope of the TR of existing stage 0 project.
4. In consideration of the establishment of TA16, AGS closes SS2 and thanks Ms. U. Haltrich for her leadership for SS2 activities.
5. AGS requests SS5 to continue its work plans in the stage 0 project to develop the TR: Conceptual model of standardization for multimedia car systems and equipment, and to encourage Japanese and Korean NCs to propose NPs on drive monitoring and recording.
6. AGS requests SS7 to call for experts for clarification of robotics technology within the scope of TC 100, watching SMB/SG7 activities.
7. AGS thanks Mr. H. Ohtaka for his report, and requests him to continue to provide updated information on SMPTE digital cinema activities including plan or possibility of an SMPTE and TC 100 joint work.
8. AGS thanks Mr. J. Yoshio for his status report on revising Tech Doc 3344, which will be discussed in TA11.
9. AGS thanks Dr. S. Hirakawa for his report of SEG-1 on smart cities and requests Mr. T. Ezaki to participate to the forthcoming WG meetings of SEG-1.
10. AGS thanks Mr. T. Inokuchi for information about ACEE and his presentation in the ACEE meetings as TC 100 representative.
11. AGS thanks Mr. K. Grajski and TA15 for drafting Doc. 100/AGS581, and requests TC 100 Secretariat to forward it to SMB chairman.
12. AGS thanks Mr. W. Furtner for his presentation of Doc. 100/AGS566, and notes that it will be discussed in TA14.
13. AGS suggests Australia NC to submit an NP on power/energy measurement battery chargers including the discussions in the AGS meeting. AGS requests TC 100 secretary to contact CENELEC TC 100X regarding this issue.
14. AGS establishes SS8 for wearable systems and equipment to clarify standardization issues for those technologies, and appoints Ms. U Haltrich as a leader of SS8.
15. AGS requests SS8 to include the issues of health supporting systems and equipment and appoints Mr. J. Yoshio as a co-leader of SS8.
16. AGS requests Chinese NC to clarify TC 100 standardization issues for the topic of a transparent display terminal.
17. AGS thanks Mr. T. Ezaki for his report of 6th Ad-Hoc, TC 100 high-level meeting, and requests him to encourage ITU-T to propose an NP for IPTV terminals.
18. AGS requests Mr. D. Felland to continue to provide updated information of future PONT activity.
19. AGS thanks Dr. K. Grant for providing her report on JTC 1/SC29.
20. AGS expresses its appreciation to US National Committee and CEA for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting and providing excellent facilities and refreshments.