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Recommendations and agreed action items,
the 36th meeting of the TC 100/AGS on Tuesday, 4 November 2014

1. AGS recommends SS1 to clarify TC 100 standardization issues of UHD technology taking a liaison with related organizations, and confirms the new title of SS1 as SS on 3D and UHD.

2. AGS recommends SS1 to create the 1st working draft of a TR on 3D and UHD terminology and circulate it for AGS members' review.

3. AGS recommends SS5 to submit the DTR (Conceptual model of standardization for multimedia car system) for DTR balloting.

4. AGS recognizes the importance of standardizing the drive monitoring technology and recommends SS5 to prepare and propose an NP on the topic.

5. AGS recommends SS7 to widen the call for experts and to continue studying the feasibility of TC 100 standardization of relevant robotics technology.

6. AGS recommends SS8 to establish a stage 0 project to collect use cases on wearable systems and equipment and identify opportunities for additional standardization in TC100 on the topic.

7. AGS identified the importance of standardizing aspects of hearing support systems and equipment and recommends SS8 to develop an NP on this topic.

8. AGS thanks Mr. H. Ohtaka for his report, and requests him to continue to provide updated information on SMPTE digital cinema activities including potential proposals for joint work on D-Cinema between SMPTE and TC 100.

9. AGS thanks Dr. S. Hirakawa for his report of SEG-1 on smart cities and requests Mr. T. Ezaki to continue to report on the WG activities of SEG-1.

10. AGS recommends Mr. H. Zhang to create a working draft of test methods for transparent LCD terminals clarifying the difference between these and the test methods in TC 110. After the completion of the working draft, it should be circulated for AGS and related experts' technical review before submission as an NP proposal.

11. AGS thanks Mr. Y. Shibahara for his presentation to the AGS on transparent LCD terminals and devices test methods in TC 110 and his participation in the AGS discussion.

12. AGS establishes SS9 for HDR technology to clarify standardization issues for HDR and related technologies, and appoints Mr. J. Fairhurst as the leader of SS9.

13. AGS recommends SS9 to study potential amendments to IEC 62087 including HDR power measurement.

14. AGS thanks Mr. T. Ezaki for his report of Ad-Hoc, TC 100 High-Level meetings, and requests him to progress work on the standardization on IPTV terminals.

15. AGS thanks Mr. T. Iida and Mr. M Kawamori for their detailed report of joint work between ITU-T SG 16 and IEC TC 100 on IEC 62698 (RII) and ITU-T H.751 which is a good example of the ITU-T and TC 100 cooperation.

16. AGS requests Mr. D. Felland and Mr. T. Ezaki to continue to provide updated information of future PONT activities.

17. AGS recommends Mr. T. Inokuchi to revise the guidelines for study sessions including the discussions in AGS and ensure the existence of study sessions is publicized.

18. AGS thanks Dr. K. Grant for providing her reports on IEC/ISO/ITU Policy on standardization and accessibility and the revision of Guide 71.

19. AGS expresses its appreciation to Japanese National Committee and JEITA for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting and providing excellent facilities, refreshments and social events.