5@Tasks for standardization
Task details
The tasks 1) through 36) are shown below. The skill required for each task is defined by the corresponding skill card (see clause 8).
1) Strategy planning for standardization
Standardization activities of a nation or organization are planned considering the benefits of standardization from nation's or organization's point of view. This task is carried out mainly by officers.
2) Information collecting/analyzing/evaluating and tactics planning
Associated standardization information inside/outside an organization is collected, analyzed and evaluated. Then, activities of standardization groups of an organization are planned (tactics planning) in accordance with the plan discussed in the task 1). The tactics are reported to officers.
3) Supervising (Strategy)
- Based on the tactics planned in the task 2), collaboration and coordination are performed with internal/external stakeholders, e.g., research and development groups and associated organizations.
4) Liaison establishing (Strategy)
- Based on the tactics planned in the task 2), lobbying activities with government and standardization organizations are performed to share information and to establish a close liaisonship with them.
5) Founding organization (De jure standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, organizations for de jure standards development and their certification are founded.
6) Founding organization (Forum/Consortium standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, organizations for forum/consortium standards development and their certification are founded.
7) Founding organization (De facto/Company-product standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, organizations for de facto/company-product standards development and their certification are founded.
8) Managing organization (Strategy, De jure standards)
- Strategies for managing following organizations are planned and carried out: organizations for de jure standards development, organizations for their maintenance and certification.
9) Managing organization (Strategy, Forum/Consortium standards)
- Strategies for managing following organizations are planned and carried out: organizations for forum/consortium standards development, organizations for their maintenance and certification.
10) Managing organization (Strategy, De facto/Company-product standards)
- Strategies for managing following organizations are planned and carried out: organizations for de facto/company-product standards development, organizations for their maintenance and certification.
11) Developing associated technology
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, technologies associated with standards (including patent-workaround technology) are developed to make some feedback to the strategy or tactics.
12) Proposing new work items (De jure standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, new work items for de jure standards are proposed to establish projects for the standards development.
13) Proposing new work items (Forum/Consortium standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, new work items for forum/consortium standards are proposed to establish projects for the standards development.
14) Proposing new work items (De facto/Company-product standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, new work items for de facto/company-product standards are proposed to establish projects for the specifications development.
15) Drafting standards (De jure standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, draft de jure standards are developed, reviewed and commented in a project of a standardization committee. Acceptable comments are included in the draft standards. Based on detailed review, some draft standards are amended, revised or withdrawn.
16) Drafting standards (Forum/Consortium standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, draft forum/consortium standards are developed, reviewed and commented in a project of a standardization committee. Acceptable comments are included in the draft standards. Based on detailed review, some draft standards are amended, revised or withdrawn.
17) Negotiating (De jure standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, information sharing and cooperation with other members are performed to have a concerted action regarding the de jure standard to be accepted or objected.
18) Negotiating (Forum/Consortium standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, information sharing and cooperation with other members are performed to have a concerted action regarding the forum/consortium standard to be accepted or objected.
19) Marketing (De facto/Company-product standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, specifications of the products on markets are investigated and analyzed from users' point of view.
20) Managing organization (Development, De jure standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, organizations for de jure standards development (e.g., standardization committee) and organizations for their certification are managed.
21) Managing organization (Development, Forum/Consortium standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, organizations for forum/consortium standards development (e.g., standardization committee) and organizations for their certification are managed.
22) Managing organization (Development, De facto/Company-product standards)
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, groups for specifications development and groups for their certification are managed.
23) Applying standards
- Due to manufacturing control, associated measurement and evaluation in corporation, quality management is performed conforming to associated standards.
24) Conformance testing
- It is evaluated whether the products conform to corresponding standards, and self-certification check and compatibility testing are performed.
25) Acquiring certification
- A certification authority is requested to assess the products/systems in which the de jure standard are implemented, and the certification is gained.
26) Acquiring forum certification
- A certification authority is requested to assess the products/systems in which the forum/consortium standards are implemented, and the certification is gained.
27) Acquiring private certification
- A certification authority is requested to assess the products/systems in which the de facto/company-product standards or specifications are implemented, and the certification is gained.
28) Information collecting/analyzing/evaluating and promotion planning
- Information on the developed standards is widely collected, analyzed and evaluated. Then, strategies for promotion of the standards are planned. The promotion strategies are reported to officers.
29) Supervising (Promotion)
- Based on the promotion strategies planned in the task 28), collaboration and coordination are performed with internal/external stakeholders.
30) Liaison establishing (Promotion)
- Based on the promotion strategies planned in the task 28), lobbying activities with government and standardization organizations are performed to share information and to establish a close liaisonship with them.
31) Advertising (De jure standard)
- Tutorials and advertisement of the developed de jure standards are conducted in order to promote and accelerate wide use and implementation of the standards.
32) Advertising (Forum/Consortium standards)
- Tutorials and advertisement of the developed forum/consortium standards are conducted in order to promote and accelerate wide use and implementation of the standards.
33) Advertising (De facto/Company-product standards)
- Tutorials and advertisement of the developed de facto/company-product standards are conducted in order to promote and accelerate wide use and implementation of the standards or specifications.
34) Considering compliance
- Legal compliance, lawsuit correspondence, fair trade correspondence and Correspondence to accessibility are performed.
35) Considering human resource development
- In order to raise skills of human resource required for standardization, programs for the education are developed and carried out for members of a corporation.
36) Considering intellectual properties
- In accordance with the strategy for standardization, patent policies, patent pools and other information about intellectual properties for related standards are collected, and patent contract activities are supported.