Activity Report 5, XML Project

XML Project/JSA

by Yushi KOMACHI


1.1 Modularization

The XML-DTD was modularized for a more feasible DTD exchange. The modularization was carried out considering the logical structure (see Figure 1) of the original SGML-DTD, "ITSIG exchange DTD, version 0.94".

Figure 1 Referencing relationship between the files of the original SGML-DTD
ITSIG/stdex94.dtd (MATH, ARTWORK, Figure, Terminology)
   +--- ITSIG/m12083.dtd (Formula)
   +--- ITSIG/tl93a.dtd (Terminology)
   +--- ITSIG/isonet10.dtd (ISONET)
   +--- ITSIG/se9573.dtd (Entities)
   |      +--- ent9573/isolat1.ent, ent9573/isolat2.ent, ent9573/isonum.ent,
   |      +--- ent9573/isodia.ent, ent9573/isopub.ent, ent9573/isobox.ent,
   |      +--- ent9573/isotech.ent, ent9573/isogrk1.ent, ent9573/isogrk2.ent,
   |      +--- ent9573/isogrk3.ent, ent9573/isogrk4.ent, ent9573/isocyr1.ent,
   |      +--- ent9573/isocyr2.ent, ent9573/isoamsa.ent, ent9573/isoamsb.ent,
   |      +--- ent9573/isoamsc.ent, ent9573/isoamsn.ent, ent9573/isoamso.ent,
   |      +--- ent9573/isoamsr.ent, ent9573/isomfrk.ent, ent9573/isomopf.ent,
   |      +--- ent9573/isomscr.ent, ent9573/isocs.ent
   +--- ITSIG/calstab.dtd (Table)
   +--- ITSIG/stdb94.dtd (NOTATION, parameter entities,
                          structure, displayed elements,
                          terminology list, figure, table, formula)

The XML-DTD module files are shown bellow, where a file with the extension ".dtd" is a driver or a DTD module translated from the corresponding original SGML-DTD file and a file with ".mod" is a new DTD file developed for the modularized XML-DTD representation. All the module files are zipped and attached as

(1) stdex.dtd [DTD Driver]
(2) stdex-model.mod [Model Module]
(3) stdex-profile.mod [Profile Module]
(4) isonet10.dtd [Isonet Module]
(5) se9573.dtd [Entity]
(6) stdex-base.mod [Base Element Module]
(7) stdex-notation.mod [Notation]
(8) stdex-tpage.mod [Title Page]
(9) stdex-lpage.mod [Last Cover Page]
(10) stdex-toc.mod [Table of Contents]
(11) stdex-index.mod [Index]
(12) stdex-foreword.mod [Foreword]
(13) stdex-intro.mod [Introduction]
(14) stdex-body.mod [Body]
(15) stdex-annex.mod [Annex]
(16) stdex-nest.mod [Nested Subdivisions]
(17) stdex-disp.mod [Displayed Components]
(18) stdex-tl-simple.mod [Terminology List Simple Module]
(19) stdex-tl.mod [Terminology List Module]
(20) stdex-inline.mod [Inline Components]
(21) stdex-artwork-simple.mod [Artwork Simple Module]
(22) stdex-artwork.mod [Artwork Module]
(23) stdex-ref.mod [Referential Components]
(24) stdex-float.mod [Float Components]
(25) stdex-figure-default.mod [Figure Default Module]
(26) stdex-figure.mod [Figure Module]
(27) stdex-table.mod [Table]
(28) calstab.dtd [Cals Table]
(29) stdex-specific.mod [Very Specific Components]
(30) stdex-math-simple.mod [Math Simple Module]
(31) stdex-math.mod [Math Module]
(32) stdex-math-extension.mod [Math Extension Module]
(33) stdex-tol.mod [Tolerance]
(34) stdex-chem.mod [Chemistry]
(35) stdex-listing.mod [Listing Module]

The referencing relationship of the modules is illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Referencing relationship of the module files consisting of the XML-DTD
stdex.dtd [DTD Driver]
   +--- stdex-model.mod [Model Module]
   +--- stdex-profile.mod [Profile Module]
   |      +--- isonet10.dtd [Isonet Module]
   |              +--- se9573.dtd [Entity]
   +--- stdex-base.mod [Base Element Module]
   |      +--- stdex-notation.mod [Notation]
   |      +--- stdex-tpage.mod [Title Page]
   |      +--- stdex-lpage.mod [Last Cover Page]
   |      +--- stdex-toc.mod [Table of Contents]
   |      +--- stdex-index.mod [Index]
   |      +--- stdex-foreword.mod [Foreword]
   |      +--- stdex-intro.mod [Introduction]
   |      +--- stdex-body.mod [Body]
   |      +--- stdex-annex.mod [Annex]
   |      +--- stdex-nest.mod [Nested Subdivisions]
   |      +--- stdex-disp.mod [Displayed Components]
   |      +--- stdex-tl.mod [Terminology List]
   |      +--- stdex-inline.mod [Inline Components]
   |      |      +--- stdex-artwork.mod [Artwork]
   |      +--- stdex-ref.mod [Referential Components]
   |      +--- stdex-float.mod [Float Components]
   |      |      +--- stdex-figure.dtd [Figure]
   |      |      +--- stdex-table.dtd [Table]
   |      |             +--- calstab.dtd [Cals Table]
   |      +--- stdex-specific.mod [Very Specific Components]
   |      |      +--- stdex-math.mod [Math]
   |      |             +--- stdex-math-extension.mod [Math Extension Module]
   |      |      +--- stdex-tol.mod [Tolerance]
   |      |      +--- stdex-chem.mod [Chemistry]
   |      +--- se9573.dtd [Entity]
   +--- stdex-listing.mod [Listing Module]

NOTE The values of gtext attributes are generated by a particular processor. Those attributes generation and rendering can be done, for example, by an XSL processor.

1.2 Samples of XML document instances

Three samples of XML document instances are attached as a zipped file,, where the two document instance files:

are sample XML documents translated from test1.sgml and term1.sgml respectively. The test1.sgml and term1.sgml are included in the set of original SGML-DTD files.

Another sample in the is an XMLized International Standard ISO 15178.

2. XSLT translation into HTML (for Information)

For easy rendering of XMLized ISO standards, we tried to translate the XML documents into HTML documents by using XSLT.

The includes an XSLT specification for the translation.

The includes the two two HTML document instance files:

translated from the two XML document instance files:
respectively, in accordance with the XSLT specification.

3. Meetings

3.1 ITSIG/XML-Study Group Meeting, 2001-03, Geneva

The following items were discussed and concluded.


Developed XML DTD modules and some XML document instances were reviewed and the attendee recognized that:

(b) XSLT specification

XSLT specification for conversion to HTML documents from XML ISO documents was reviewed.

The following rendering issues were discussed for HTML presentation:

(c) Plan and Priority

The attendee agreed the following items to be carried out with the priority of their listed order:

  1. Develop an adaptation of the DTD for XML
  2. XML implementation of standard
    - to HTML
    - to PDF, RTF (equivalent to Word template)
  3. Authorizing the DTD of XML + styles
  4. use of HTML to improve HTML processing
  5. look for XML browsers and XML editors
  6. revision of ISO/IEC TR 9573-11

(d)TR 9573-11 Co-editor

Y. Komachi requested A. Samaritan to be a Co-editor for revising ISO/IEC TR 9573-11.

3.2 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 Meeting, 2001-05, Berlin

As a project editor of ISO/IEC TR 9573-11, Y. Komachi reported the activities taken by the XML Project, using the document SC34 N0224: Activity Report of the Project for Revising ISO/IEC TR 9573-11. The SC34 meeting agreed the resolution (SC34 N213) on this topic:

Resolution 8: Report on ISO/IEC TR 9573-11

SC34 accepts the report on revision of ISO/IEC TR 9573-11, and appoints Dr. Yushi Komachi to work with the ISO CS on the project.
