宛先 "Martin J. Duerst"さま 発信 小町です komachi@y-adagio.com 又は PFC01157@nifty.ne.jp 1998-08-20 件名 Error report on CSS1 Here I inform you of some editorial errors of CSS1 which were found in the works of my translation of CSS1. (1) 1.6, para 6 "The second selector matches matches all 'H1' elements that have an ancestor of class 'reddish'." should be "The second selector matches all 'H1' elements that have an ancestor of class 'reddish'." (2) 2.1, para 3 "a style sheet can legally specify that the 'font-size' of an 'active' link should be larger that a 'visited' link," should be "a style sheet can legally specify that the 'font-size' of an 'active' link should be larger than a 'visited' link," (3) 2.3, last para The description "'vertical-align (5.4.4)" should be "'vertical-align'(5.4.4)". (4) 2.4, para 1 The description "'vertical-align (only ...)" should be "'vertical-align'(only ...)". (5) 4, para 2 "The padding area uses the same background as the element itself (set with the background properties (5.3.2-5.3.7)." should be "The padding area uses the same background as the element itself (set with the background properties (5.3.2-5.3.7))." (6) 4.1, para 6 "The bottom is the bottom of the element, outside any padding border and margin;" should be "The bottom is the bottom of the element, outside any padding, border and margin;". (7) Figures Figures described as <pre> elememts are inappropriately rendered by some HTML browsers. They should be treated as <img> elements. (8) Appendix B The anchor "#forward-grammar" in the description "The minimal CSS (i.e., any version of CSS) grammar that all implementations need to support is defined in <A HREF="#forward-grammar">section 7</A>", has no target <a name="forward-grammar"> anywhere in the main text. It should be "#css1-conformance".