Bal.Req. SC34 N0071

SubCommittee Name.:  SC34
Document Number...:  71
Backward pointer..:
Document Type.....:  Text for PDAM ballot or comment
Date Assigned.....:  1999-05-18
Document Title....:  ISO/IEC 9541-1:1991/PDAM 3, Information Technology
                     - Font Information Interchange - Part 1:
                     Architecture - Amendment 3:  Multilingual
                     extensions to font resource architecture
Due Date..........:  1999-08-18
Pages.............:   11
Disk Serial No....:
Source............:  Y. Komachi, Project Editor
Project Number....:
Status............:  In accordance with Resolution 4 of the 19-23 April
                     1999 JTC 1/SC 34 Meeting, this text is circulated
                     for a three-month PDAM ballot.  Please submit all
                     votes to the SC 34 Secretariat by 18 August 1999.
Action Identifier.:  LB
Medium............:  E