Date of presentation of proposal: 1998-11-01 |
Proposer: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 |
Secretariat: National Body |
A proposal for a new work item shall be submitted to the secretariat of the ISO/IEC joint technical committee concerned with a copy to the ISO Central Secretariat.
Presentation of the proposal - to be completed by the proposer Guidelines for proposing and justifying a new work item are given in ISO Guide 26.
Title (subject to be covered and type of standard, e.g. terminology, method of test, performance requirements, etc.) AM3/9541-1: Multilingual extensions to font resource architecture |
Scope (and field of application) This amendment specifies additional properties of the font resources defined by ISO/IEC 9541-1. Those properties can support interchange and rendering of multilingual mixtures which are required, in particular, in web environments. |
Purpose and justification (- attach a separate
page as annex, if necessary) Documents interchanged in the internet environments are often required to be multilingual mixture, i.e., described using multiple languages within a paragraph, a page or a document. Those multilingual documents should be rendered and represented according to appropriate multilingual formatting. Existing ISO/IEC 9541 and the Amendment can support multilingual font treatments. However, the properties defined in the standards are still insufficient to full support of multilingual mixture for multilingual formatting. |
Programme of work
If the proposed new work item is approved , which of the
following document(s) is (are) expected to be developed? |
Relevant documents to be considered
Cooperation and liaison CJK DOCP(China/Japan/Korea Document Processing Meeting), MLIT(International Symposium on the Standardization of Multilingual Information Technology) |
Preparatory work offered with target date(s)
Signature: |
Will the service of a maintenance agency or registration
authority be required? ....No.... - If yes, have you identified a potential candidate? ................ - If yes, indicate name ............................................................. Are there any known requirements for coding? ....No.... Does the proposed standard concern known patented items?
....No.... |
Comments and recommendations of the JTC 1 Secretariat - attach a separate page as an annex, if necessary
Comments with respect to the proposal in general,
and recommendations thereon: It is proposed to assign this new item to JTC 1/SC 34 |
Voting on the proposal - Each P-member of the ISO/IEC joint technical committee has an obligation to vote within the time limits laid down (normally three months after the date of circulation).
Date of circulation: YYYY-MM-DD |
Closing date for voting: YYY-MM-DD |
Signature of JTC 1 Secretary: Lisa A. Rajchel |