New Work Item Proposal (Preliminary)


Date of presentation of proposal:
National Body

A proposal for a new work item shall be submitted to the secretariat of the ISO/IEC joint technical committee concerned with a copy to the ISO Central Secretariat.

Presentation of the proposal - to be completed by the proposer Guidelines for proposing and justifying a new work item are given in ISO Guide 26.

Title (subject to be covered and type of standard, e.g. terminology, method of test, performance requirements, etc.) AM3/9541-1: Multilingual extensions to font resource architecture
Scope (and field of application) This amendment specifies additional properties of the font resources defined by ISO/IEC 9541-1. Those properties can support interchange and rendering of multilingual mixtures which are required, in particular, in web environments.
Purpose and justification (- attach a separate page as annex, if necessary) Documents interchanged in the internet environments are often required to be multilingual mixture, i.e., described using multiple languages within a paragraph, a page or a document. Those multilingual documents should be rendered and represented according to appropriate multilingual formatting.
  Existing ISO/IEC 9541 and the Amendment can support multilingual font treatments. However, the properties defined in the standards are still insufficient to full support of multilingual mixture for multilingual formatting.
Programme of work

If the proposed new work item is approved , which of the following document(s) is (are) expected to be developed?
____ a single International Standard more than one International Standard (expected number: ........ )
____ a multi-part International Standard consisting of .......... parts
__X__ an amendment or amendments to the following International Standard(s) ....ISO/IEC 9541-1....
____ a technical report , type ...........

Relevant documents to be considered
  • ISO/IEC 9541-1, Font information interchange - Part 1: Architecture
  • AM2 to ISO/IEC 9541-1, Minor Enhancements to the Architecture to Address Font Technology Advances
  • Web Fonts, W3C Working Draft 21-July-1997
Cooperation and liaison CJK DOCP(China/Japan/Korea Document Processing Meeting), MLIT(International Symposium on the Standardization of Multilingual Information Technology)
Preparatory work offered with target date(s)
  • CD: 1999-05
  • FCD: 2000-05
Will the service of a maintenance agency or registration authority be required? ....No....
- If yes, have you identified a potential candidate? ................
- If yes, indicate name .............................................................

Are there any known requirements for coding? ....No....
-If yes, please specify on a separate page

Does the proposed standard concern known patented items? ....No....
- If yes, please provide full information in an annex

Comments and recommendations of the JTC 1 Secretariat - attach a separate page as an annex, if necessary

Comments with respect to the proposal in general, and recommendations thereon:
It is proposed to assign this new item to JTC 1/SC 34

Voting on the proposal - Each P-member of the ISO/IEC joint technical committee has an obligation to vote within the time limits laid down (normally three months after the date of circulation).

Date of circulation:
Closing date for voting:
Signature of JTC 1 Secretary:
Lisa A. Rajchel