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5. The International Glyph Repository and AP Font Library
5.1 Overview
The AP Font Study Group proposes that the following functions are required
in order to fully extend multilingualcapability of the World Wide Web, and
make it a fair and powerful tool
of communication for every nation.
The International Glyph Repository
Font-Glyph Mapping Table
AP Font Library
The International Glyph Repository is an online repository which recieves
'user-defined' glyphs from various parties and assigns each glyph identification
information so that users can utilise these glyphs on the WWW without system
dependency. The Font-Glyph Mapping Table defines the relationship between
fonts, and glyphs that are submitted to the glyph repository. The AP Font
Library is a collection of font data which is necessary to read and write
content in whatever language.
5.2 The International Glyph Repository (IGR)
5.2.1 IGR Services
IGR registers glyphs which will be requested by interested parties (individuals,
organisation, private and public corporations, etc.) into the glyph information
repository, returns information (shape and identification) of registered
glyphs on request, and maintains the repository database and services.
Registered private glyph information will be made available on the WWW,
and accessible to anyone who has interest in getting the information. Inquiries
and registration requests will be dealt through the WWW interface, so as
to make it possible both to shorten processing time and reduce administrative
The IGR will be housed and administered by GLOCOM (Center for Global
Communication) in accordance with the procedure set forth by ISO 10036.
5.2.2 IGR Policy
IGR's glyph registration will be carried out automatically according to
a predefined algorithm, which needs to be discussed later in details. IGR
personnel do not evaluate the authenticity or adequacy of the proposed
glyph, as AFII had done. IGR's principle is simple --- it will take registration
requests, and put them in the Repository database unless requested glyphs
have already in the Repository.
The Repository does not provide a means for structuring characters.
What the repository provides is a large mapping table for glyph ID and
glyph shape. Any evaluative work beyond this is out of scope of IGR activity.
The IGR is the ultimate end for identifying private glyphs. IGR does not
even guarantee two glyphs requested at the same time will have a position
next to each other in the Repository. Any structure, sequence, or relationship
between glyphs and characters which will be, or have already been given
to requested glyphs are not represented in the IGR.
5.3 The Font/Glyph Mapping Table and the AP Font Library
The Font/Glyph Mapping Table is a database which represents the relationship
between fonts and glyphs which are registered in the IGR. The mapping table
is required for consistent computer processing. Users will be able to get
necessary information from the table in order to resolve the relationship
between font and glyph and to apply appropriate rendering on the computer
AP Font Library is comprised of font data to process language characters
in the Asia Pasific region. The font data is stored in the TrueType format,
so that any common computer environment can properly process it (read,
write, transmit, etc.). Font data in the AP Font Library is made available
on the WWW for free of charge. Since the lack of font data is often the
reason for impoverished multilingual functionality on the WWW, the font
library is expected to enhance multilingual communication on the WWW.
Details of these functions are not precisely discussed yet.
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