附属書C(参考) 登録要求の例

この規格の各登録に関する登録要求の例を, 次に示す。 この情報は, JIS X 0201の符号化文字集合を用いたソフトコピーでの提出に適するフォーマットで示される。

C.1 グリフ登録要求

<!-- SGML DTD for ISO/IEC 10036 Glyph Registration -->

<!-- (c) International Organization for Standardization 2001 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming WebSGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879:1986(WWW), provided this notice is included in all copies. -->

Glyph Registration Request Form DTD
Date: 16 June, 2000

<!-- Public document type definition. Typical invocation:
<!DOCTYPE glyphrrf PUBLIC "ISO/IEC 10036:1996/Cor.1:2001//DTD Glyph Registration Request Form//EN"> -->

<!-- DTD for Glyph Registration -->
<!DOCTYPE glyphrrf [

<!-- Registration Form -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_rr (requester, glyph_image, glyph_desc*, font*, attachment*)>

<!-- Requester -->
<!ELEMENT requester (name, organ, addr1, addr2, tel, fax, email, desc)>
<!ELEMENT organ (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT addr1 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT addr2 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Glyph Information -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_image (shape_data, data_size, data_format)>
<!ELEMENT shape_data (IMG)>
<!ELEMENT data_size (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT data_format (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Glyph Descriptions -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_desc (description*, function*)>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT function (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Font Information -->
<!ELEMENT font (font_data, (code_point, code_sys)*, (related_code, code_sys)*)>
<!ELEMENT font_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST font_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT code_point (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT related_code (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT code_sys (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Attachment Information -->
<!ELEMENT attachment (audio*, video*, related_URI*, aux*)>
<!ELEMENT audio ((audio_data, data_format) | related_URI)>
<!ELEMENT video ((video_data, data_format) | related_URI)>
<!ELEMENT related_URI (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT audio_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST audio_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT video_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST video_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>


C.2 グリフ集合登録要求

<!-- SGML DTD for ISO/IEC 10036 Glyph Collection Registration -->

<!-- (c) International Organization for Standardization 2001 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming WebSGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879:1986(WWW), provided this notice is included in all copies. -->

Glyph Collection Registration Request Form DTD
Date: 16 June, 2000

<!-- Public document type definition. Typical invocation:
<!DOCTYPE glyphcrrf PUBLIC "ISO/IEC 10036:1996/Cor.1:2001//DTD Glyph Collection Registration Request Form//EN"> -- >

<!-- DTD for Glyph Collection Registration -->
<!DOCTYPE glyphcrrf [

<!-- Registration Form -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_crr (requester, glyph_IDs, glyph_coldesc*, font*, attachment* )>

<!-- Requester -->
<!ELEMENT requester (name, organ, addr1, addr2, tel, fax, email, desc)>
<!ELEMENT organ (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT addr1 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT addr2 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Glyph Collection Information -- >
<!ELEMENT glyph_IDs (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Glyph Collection Descriptions -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_coldesc (description*, function*)>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT function (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Font Information -->
<!ELEMENT font (font_data, (code_point, code_sys)*, (related_code, code_sys)*)>
<!ELEMENT font_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST font_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT code_point (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT related_code (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT code_sys (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Attachment Information -->
<!ELEMENT attachment (audio*, video*, related_URI*, aux*)>
<!ELEMENT audio ((audio_data, data_format) | related_URI)>
<!ELEMENT video ((video_data, data_format) | related_URI)>
<!ELEMENT related_URI (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT audio_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST audio_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT video_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST video_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>


C.3 フォント属性集合登録要求

SPDL Font Attribute Set Registration Request
date::August 18, 1994
contact_name::John T. Doe
organization_name::ABC Corporation
address2::111 Anystreet
address3::Anytown, Anystate 99999 USA
telephone::+1 111 222 3333
facsimile::+1 111 222 4444
description::ABC Latin 1
similar_reference::XYZ Latin 1
fontname::ICD0010/0004//FontName::ABC Latin 1
glyphcomp::ISO/IEC 10036/RA//Collections::1

Registrant: ABC Corporation
Date of Registration: September 9, 1994

Public Identifier = ISO/IEC 10036/RA//FontAttributeSets::802

ASN.1 Object Identifier: { 1 1 10036 3 802 }

Description: ABC Latin 1 Helvetica

fontname: ICD0010/0004//FontName::ABC Latin 1
glyphcomp: ISO/IEC 10036/RA//Collections::
dsngroup: 5.1.2
weight: 5
posture: 1
structure: 1

図C.3 フォント属性集合の登録簿ページの例

C.4 グリフ指標対応表登録要求

Glyph Index Map Registration Request
date::August 18, 1994
contact_name::John T. Doe
organization_name::ABC Corporation
address1::111 Anystreet
address2::Anytown, Anystate 99999 USA
telephone::+1 111 222 3333
facsimile::+1 111 222 4444
description::ABC International #5
application::Western Publishing
0 = .notdef
1 = .notdef
42 = afii61859
43 = afii61863
253 = afii61791
254 = afii61792
255 = .notdif

Registrant: ABC Corporation
Date of Registration: September 9, 1994

Public Identifier = ISO/IEC 10036/RA/GlyphIndexMaps::49

ASN.1 Object Identifier: { 1 1 10036 4 49 }

Description: ABC International #5

Number of Index Entries: 256

   Index    Gryph ID

     0      .notdef
     1      .notdef
     2      .notdef
     3      .notdef
     .        .
     .        .
     .        .
    42      afii61859
    43      afii61863
     .        .
     .        .
   254      afii61792
   255      .notdef

図C.4 グリフ指標対応表の登録簿ページの例

C.5 ISO/IEC 10180フォント参照フォント仕様登録要求

ISO/IEC 10180 Font Reference Font Specification Registration Request
date::August 18, 1994
contact_name::John T. Doe
organization_name::ABC Corporation
address1::111 Anystreet
address2::Anytown, Anystate 99999 USA
telephone::+1 111 222 3333
facsimile::+1 111 222 4444
description::ABC Latin 1
fontref::ICD0010/0004//FontName::ABC Chinese Gothic
indexmap::ISO/IEC 10036/RA//GlyphIndexMaps::22

Registrant: ABC Corporation
Date of Registration: September 9, 1994

Public Identifier = ISO/IEC 10036/RA//FontRefFontSpecs::2

ASN.1 Object Identifier: { 1 1 10036 5 2 }

Description: ABC Chinese Gothic

fontref: ICD0010/0004//FontName::ABC Chinese Gothic
indexmap: ISO/IEC 10036/RA//GlyphindexMaps::22

図C.5 ISO/IEC 10180フォント参照フォント仕様の登録簿ページの例