附属書B (規定)

実体, 要素型及び属性

<!-- 15445.dtd
     ISO/IEC 15445:2000  Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 
     Document Type Definition.

     Copyright (C) 1999, IETF, W3C (MIT, Inria, Keio), ISO/IEC.
               All Rights Reserved.

     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     validating and conforming systems and applications as defined
     in ISO/IEC 15445:2000, provided this copyright notice is included
     with all copies.  

     The DTD is typically invoked by one of the following declarations:

     <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "ISO/IEC 15445:2000//DTD HyperText Markup Language//EN">

     In order to use the HTML document type definition as a base architecture for
     other SGML applications, the following architectural support declaration 
     should be used:

     <?IS10744 arch name="html"
     public-id="ISO/IEC 15445:2000//DTD HyperText Markup Language//EN"
                <!-- Part 1 - Entity set -->

<!-- The Preparation parameter entity shall be set to IGNORE for HTML, 
     and to INCLUDE for a document to be submitted to the preparation
     process -->
<!ENTITY % Preparation "IGNORE" >

<!-- This definition generates the inverse entity 
     NoPreparation which is internal to the DTD -->
<![ %Preparation; [
<!ENTITY % NoPreparation "IGNORE"    -- Inverse of Preparation = INCLUDE -->
<!ENTITY % NoPreparation "INCLUDE"   -- Inverse of Preparation = IGNORE -->
<!-- End of definition -->

        <!-- Tokens defined by other standards -->

<!ENTITY % Content-Type "CDATA" -- MIME content type, RFC1521 -->
<!ENTITY % HTTP-Method "(get | post)" -- as per HTTP/1.1 RFC2068  -->
<!ENTITY % URI "CDATA" -- Universal Resource Identifier, RFC1630 -->

        <!-- Element tokens -->

<!ENTITY % special "A | BDO | BR | IMG | OBJECT | 
                    MAP | Q | SPAN" >

<!-- Logical character styles -->
<!ENTITY % logical.styles "ABBR | ACRONYM | CITE | CODE | DFN | EM |
                           KBD | SAMP | STRONG | VAR" >

<!-- Physical character styles -->
<!ENTITY % physical.styles "B | I | SUB | SUP | TT" >

        <!-- Model groups -->

<!-- Block-like elements eg. paragraphs and lists -->
                  HR | OL | P | PRE | TABLE | UL" >

<!-- Form fields - input elements that may appear only within forms -->

<!-- Character level elements and text strings -->
<!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA | %physical.styles; | %logical.styles; | %special;" >

<!-- Elements that may appear in a form, section or table -->
<!ENTITY % form.content    "(%block; | %text; | %form.fields; | ADDRESS)+" >
<!ENTITY % section.content "(%block; | %text; | ADDRESS)+" >
<!ENTITY % table.content   "(%block; | %text;)*" >

        <!-- Generic attributes -->

<!ENTITY % core
   "CLASS      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Comma separated list of class values --

    --The name space of the ID attribute is shared with the name space of 
      the NAME attributes of <A> elements.  ID and NAME values shall be
      distinct.  It is an error for an ID or NAME value to be duplicated 
      within a document.  It is recommended that authors of documents 
      intended for further processing specify the ID attribute in preference 
      to the NAME attribute. --
    ID         ID         #IMPLIED -- Document-wide unique id --
    TITLE      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Advisory title or amplification --" >

        <!-- Internationalization attributes -->

<!ENTITY % i18n
   "DIR        (ltr|rtl)  #IMPLIED -- Direction for weak/neutral text --
    LANG       NAME       #IMPLIED -- RFC1766 language value --" >

        <!-- Presentation styles -->

<!ENTITY % shape     "(circle | default | poly | rect)" >
<!ENTITY % InputType "(checkbox | file | hidden | password | 
                       radio | reset | submit | text)" >

<!-- SHORTREF mapping for the tab character -->
<!-- Use of the tab character is deprecated.  However, to facilitate
     the preparation of conforming documents by authors who use it,
     the tab character is tolerated and is mapped into a single space. -->
<!ENTITY   nontab  " " >
<!SHORTREF tabmap  "	" nontab >
<!USEMAP   tabmap  HTML >

        <!-- Specify character entity sets defined by W3C -->

<!ENTITY % HTMLlat1    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Full Latin 1//EN//HTML" >
<!ENTITY % HTMLsymbol  PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbolic//EN//HTML" >
<!ENTITY % HTMLspecial PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special//EN//HTML" >
<!-- Reference character entities -->

                <!-- Part 2 - Document structure -->

<!-- Further normative requirements on the elements defined in this part
     of the DTD are provided in Part 3.-->
<!ELEMENT HTML        - -  (HEAD, BODY) >
<!ELEMENT LINK        - O  EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT META        - O  EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT STYLE       - -  CDATA >

<!-- The following marked section is informative only -->
<![ %Preparation; [
<!ELEMENT Pre-HTML    - -  (HEAD, BODY) >
<!ELEMENT BODY        - O  ((%block;)*,(H1,DIV1)* ) +(DEL|INS) >
<!ELEMENT H1          - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT DIV1        O O  ((%block;)*, (H2,DIV2)* ) >
<!ELEMENT H2          - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT DIV2        O O  ((%block;)*, (H3,DIV3)* ) >
<!ELEMENT H3          - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT DIV3        O O  ((%block;)*, (H4,DIV4)* ) >
<!ELEMENT H4          - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT DIV4        O O  ((%block;)*, (H5,DIV5)* ) >
<!ELEMENT H5          - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT DIV5        O O  ((%block;)*, (H6,DIV6)* ) >
<!ELEMENT H6          - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT DIV6        O O  ((%block;)*) >
<!-- The following marked section is normative -->
<![ %NoPreparation; [
<!ELEMENT BODY        - O  (%block;|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6)+ +(DEL|INS) >
<!ELEMENT (H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6) - - (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT DIV         - -  %section.content; >
<!ELEMENT ADDRESS     - -  (%text;)+ -(IMG|OBJECT|MAP) >
<!ELEMENT P           - O  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT (OL|UL)     - -  (LI)+ >
<!ELEMENT LI          - O  (%text; | %block;)+ >
<!ELEMENT DL          - -  (DT|DD)+ >
<!ELEMENT DT          - O  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT DD          - O  %section.content; -(ADDRESS) >
<!ELEMENT PRE         - -  (%text;)+ -(IMG|MAP|OBJECT|SUB|SUP) >
<!ELEMENT BLOCKQUOTE  - -  (%block;)+ >
<!ELEMENT Q           - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT FORM        - -  %form.content; -(FORM) >
<!-- #PCDATA required to absorb leading white space -->
<!ELEMENT FIELDSET    - -  (#PCDATA,LEGEND,%form.content;) -(FIELDSET) >
<!ELEMENT BUTTON      - -  (%text;)+ -(A|FIELDSET|FORM|%form.fields;) >
<!ELEMENT LABEL       - -  (%text;|%form.fields;)+ -(LABEL) >
<!ELEMENT LEGEND      - -  (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT HR          - O  EMPTY >
                              THEAD?, TFOOT?, TBODY+) >
<!ELEMENT CAPTION     - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT COL         - O  EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT TR          - O  (TH|TD)+ >  
<!ELEMENT (TH|TD)     - O  %table.content; >
<!ELEMENT (%logical.styles;|%physical.styles;)
                      - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT A           - -  (%text;)* -(A) >
<!ELEMENT IMG         - O  EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT OBJECT      - -  (PARAM | %section.content;)* >
<!ELEMENT BR          - O  EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT MAP         - -  (AREA)+ > <!-- (*) -->
<!ELEMENT AREA        - O  EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT SPAN        - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT (DEL|INS)   - -  (%text;)+ >
<!ELEMENT BDO         - -  (%text;)+ >

                <!-- Part 3 - Attribute definition lists -->

<!--      ELEMENTS 
    NAME       VALUE       DEFAULT --> 
  --Case shall not be taken into account when determining a match
    between an ID value and a NAME value, between an ID value and 
    an HREF value or between a NAME value and an HREF value.  
    Comparisons should be made with the values folded to upper case.

    The NAME attribute value specification shall be processed as if the
    declared value were NAME.

    It is recommended that authors of HTML documents give
    preference to the ID attribute over the NAME attribute.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ACCESSKEY  CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character --
    CHARSET    CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Character encoding as per RFC2045 --
    HREF       %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Source anchor is URI of target --
    HREFLANG   NAME       #IMPLIED -- Language code of resource --
    NAME       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Target anchor --
    REL        CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Forward link types --
    REV        CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Reverse link types --
    TABINDEX   NUMBER     #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order --
    TYPE       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Advisory content type -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

  --One of HREF or NOHREF shall be specified.  

    COORDS shall not be specified if SHAPE has the value `default'.

    Authors are very strongly recommended to provide meaningful ALT 
    attributes to support interoperability with speech-based or text-only 
    agents.  The language and direction of the text provided by the ALT 
    attribute are defined by the containing elements.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ACCESSKEY  CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character --
    ALT        CDATA     #REQUIRED -- Description for text-only UAs --
    COORDS     CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Comma separated list of values --
    HREF       %URI;      #IMPLIED -- This region acts as hypertext link --
    NOHREF     (nohref)   #IMPLIED -- This region has no action --
    SHAPE      %shape;        rect -- Control interpretation of coords --
    TABINDEX   NUMBER     #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    DIR        (ltr|rtl) #REQUIRED -- Direction of writing --
    LANG       NAME       #IMPLIED -- RFC1766 language value -->

  --The contents of the BLOCKQUOTE element shall not be surrounded with
    quotation marks.  These may be added by the user agent through the use
    of a style sheet.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    CITE       %URI;      #IMPLIED -- URI for source document or message -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -->

  --The BUTTON element shall not contain the A, BUTTON, FIELDSET, FORM,

    If the BUTTON element contains an IMG element, the IMG shall not have
    an ISMAP or USEMAP attribute.
    The TYPE attribute shall be provided, and when the TYPE is
    specified as `submit', the NAME and VALUE attributes shall be provided.

    The NAME attribute is required if the TYPE attribute has the value 

    If the TYPE attribute has value `reset', and the BUTTON is contained 
    in a FIELDSET, the reset action is limited to the contents of the 

    The VALUE attribute is required if the TYPE attribute has the value
    `submit' and specifies the value to be returned if the button
    is selected.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ACCESSKEY  CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character --
    DISABLED   (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context --
    NAME       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Required for all except submit, reset -- 
    TABINDEX   NUMBER     #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order --
    TYPE  (submit|reset)    submit -- For use as form submit/reset button --
    VALUE      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Passed to server when submitted -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    SPAN       NUMBER            1 -- Number of cols spanned -->

  --The SPAN attribute should only be used if the COLGROUP element
    has no content.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    SPAN       NUMBER            1 -- Number of cols spanned by group -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    CITE       %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Information on reason for change --
    DATETIME   CDATA      #IMPLIED -- When changed, subset of ISO/IEC 8601 -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ACCEPT     CDATA      #IMPLIED -- List of MIME types for file upload --
    ACCEPT-CHARSET CDATA  #IMPLIED -- List of supported char sets --
    ACTION     %URI;     #REQUIRED -- Server-side form handler --
    ENCTYPE    %Content-Type; "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    METHOD     %HTTP-Method;   get -- See HTTP specification -->

    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    PROFILE    %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Named dictionary of meta info -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

<!ATTLIST (H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6)
  --The H1 element shall not be followed by an H3, H4, H5 or H6 element
    without an intervening H2 element.  

    The H2 element shall not be followed by an H4, H5 or H6 element 
    without an intervening H3 element.

    The H3 element shall not be followed by an H5 or H6 element without 
    an intervening H4 element.

    The H4 element shall not be followed by an H6 element without an 
    intervening H5 element.

    An H2 element shall be preceded by an H1 element.

    An H3 element shall be preceded by an H2 element.

    An H4 element shall be preceded by an H3 element.

    An H5 element shall be preceded by an H4 element.

    An H6 element shall be preceded by an H5 element.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

  --If the IMG element is contained in a BUTTON element, the IMG shall not 
    have an ISMAP or USEMAP attribute.

    If the ISMAP attribute is present in an IMG element, that IMG element 
    shall be contained in an A element with an HREF attribute present.

    At most one of the attributes ISMAP and USEMAP may be provided.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ALT        CDATA     #REQUIRED -- Text for text-only user agent --
    ISMAP      (ismap)    #IMPLIED -- Use server image map --
    LONGDESC   %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Extended description for text UA --
    SRC        %URI;     #REQUIRED -- URI of image to embed --
    USEMAP     %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Use client-side image map -->

  --If the attribute TYPE has the value `checkbox', values shall be 
    provided for the the NAME and VALUE attributes.
    If the attribute TYPE has the value `file', a value shall be 
    provided for the NAME attribute; HTML interpreting agents should 
    request user confirmation of any default file names that might 
    be suggested, and fields specifying files shall not be hidden.

    If the attribute TYPE has the value `hidden', values shall be 
    provided for the NAME and VALUE attributes.
    If the attribute TYPE has the value `password', a value shall be 
    provided for the NAME attribute.

    If the attribute TYPE has the value `radio', values shall be 
    provided for the the NAME and VALUE attributes. At all times, 
    one and only one of the radio buttons shall be checked.  
    Initially, if none of the INPUT elements in a set of radio 
    buttons specifies CHECKED, then the user agent shall mark the 
    first radio button of the set as checked.

    If the attribute TYPE has the value `submit', and a value is 
    specified for the VALUE attribute, then a value shall be provided 
    for the NAME attribute.

    If the attribute TYPE has the value `text', values shall be 
    provided for the NAME and VALUE attributes.
    The MAXLENGTH and TABINDEX values shall be considered as integers 
    with any leading zeroes ignored.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ACCEPT     CDATA      #IMPLIED -- List of MIME types for file upload --
    ACCESSKEY  CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character --
    CHECKED    (checked)  #IMPLIED -- For radio buttons, checkboxes --
    DISABLED   (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context --
    MAXLENGTH  NUMBER     #IMPLIED -- Max chars for text fields --
    NAME       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Required for all except submit, reset --
    READONLY   (READONLY) #IMPLIED -- For text --
    SIZE       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Specific to each type of field --
    TABINDEX   NUMBER     #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order --
    TYPE       %InputType;    text -- Widget --
    VALUE      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Required for radio, checkboxes -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    CITE       %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Information on reason for change --
    DATETIME   CDATA      #IMPLIED -- When changed, subset of ISO/IEC 8601 -->

  --The LABEL element shall refer to a form field in the content of the 
    FORM element which contains the LABEL.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ACCESSKEY  CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character --
    FOR        IDREF      #IMPLIED -- Points to associated field -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ACCESSKEY  CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    CHARSET    CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Character encoding as per RFC2045 --
    HREF       %URI;      #IMPLIED -- URI for link resource --
    HREFLANG   NAME       #IMPLIED -- Language code of resource --
    MEDIA      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Destination media of referenced doc --
    REL        CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Forward link types --
    REV        CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Reverse link types --
    TYPE       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Advisory Internet content type -->

  --The value of the NAME attribute is case sensitive, and the attribute 
    value specification shall be processed as if the declared value were 
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    NAME       CDATA     #REQUIRED -- Referenced by USEMAP in <IMG> -->

    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    CONTENT    CDATA     #REQUIRED -- Associated information --
    HTTP-EQUIV NAME       #IMPLIED -- HTTP response header name --
    NAME       NAME       #IMPLIED -- Meta-information name --
    SCHEME     CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Nature of content -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    CLASSID    %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Identifies implementation --
    CODEBASE   %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Needed by some systems --
    CODETYPE   CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Internet content type for code --
    DATA       %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Reference to objects data --
    DECLARE    (declare)  #IMPLIED -- Flag: declare but dont instantiate --
    NAME       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Submit as part of form --
    STANDBY    CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Show this msg while loading --
    TABINDEX   NUMBER     #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order --
    TYPE       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Internet content type for data --
    USEMAP     %URI;      #IMPLIED -- Reference to image map -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    DISABLED   (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context --
    LABEL      CDATA     #REQUIRED -- For use in hierarchical menus -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    DISABLED   (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context --
    LABEL      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- For use in hierarchical menus --
    SELECTED   (selected) #IMPLIED -- Pre-selected option --
    VALUE      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Defaults to content -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    ID         ID         #IMPLIED -- Document-wide unique id --
    NAME       CDATA     #REQUIRED -- Name of parameter --
    TYPE       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Internet Media Type --
    VALUE      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Value of parameter --
    VALUETYPE  (data|ref|object)
                              data -- Interpret value as -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

  --The textual contents of the Q element shall not be surrounded with
    quotation marks.  These may be added by the user agent through the
    use of a style sheet.
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    CITE       %URI;      #IMPLIED -- URI for source document or message -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    DISABLED   (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context --
    MULTIPLE   (multiple) #IMPLIED -- Default is single selection --
    NAME       CDATA     #REQUIRED -- Field name --
    SIZE       NUMBER     #IMPLIED -- Rows visible --
    TABINDEX   NUMBER     #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

  --The STYLE element contains style sheet information which shall be
    passed to the user agent's style manager.  Any style sheet language
    may be used.  It is a user agent error to render the style sheet 
    information as if it were part of a document's text.
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    MEDIA      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Designed for use with these media --
    TITLE      CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Advisory title --
    TYPE       CDATA     #REQUIRED -- Internet content type for style lang. -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    SUMMARY    CDATA     #REQUIRED -- Purpose/structure for speech output -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ABBR       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Abbreviation for header cell (*) --
    AXIS       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Names groups of related headers --
    COLSPAN    NUMBER            1 -- Number of columns spanned by cell --
    HEADERS    IDREFS     #IMPLIED -- List of ID's for header cells --
    ROWSPAN    NUMBER            1 -- Number of rows spanned by cell --
    SCOPE      (col|colgroup|row|rowgroup)
                          #IMPLIED -- Scope covered by header cells -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ACCESSKEY  CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character --
    COLS       NUMBER    #REQUIRED -- Number required in av char widths --
    DISABLED   (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context --
    NAME       CDATA     #REQUIRED -- Name of form field --
    READONLY   (readonly) #IMPLIED -- For text --
    ROWS       NUMBER    #REQUIRED -- Number of rows required --
    TABINDEX   NUMBER     #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --
    ABBR       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Abbreviation for header cell (*) --
    AXIS       CDATA      #IMPLIED -- Names groups of related headers --
    COLSPAN    NUMBER            1 -- Number of columns spanned by cell --
    HEADERS    IDREFS     #IMPLIED -- List of ID's for header cells --
    ROWSPAN    NUMBER            1 -- Number of rows spanned by cell --
    SCOPE      (col|colgroup|row|rowgroup)
                          #IMPLIED -- Scope covered by header cells -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

        <!-- Attribute group definition lists -->

<!ATTLIST (%physical.styles;)
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

<!ATTLIST (%logical.styles;)
    %core;                         -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --
    %i18n;                         -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -->

<!-- End of file -->