Annex A. Parameter Build - Formation Program for Parameter Details -

;; -*- Scheme -*-
;; parameter-build.scm
;;    -- make parameter from spec

;; -- print objects and cr.
(define (print . x)
  (map (lambda (e) (write e)(display " ")) x)

(define (warn . x)
  (map (lambda (e) (display e)(display " ")) x)

;; ------------------------------------------------
;;  Memorize a formation result in *results*.
;; ------------------------------------------------

(define *results* '())
(define (add-result x) (set! *results* (append *results* (list x))))

;; ------------------------------------------------
;; norm-unit : normalize unit inspec
;;      Unify the treatment of scheme into 'mm'
;;      because unit during the description can't
;;      be interpreted unlike the DSSSL treatment.
;;      The one without unit is handled with mm.
;;      (Though the basis unit of DSSSL is meter,
;;      it isn't understood easily that it is
;;      unified with meter.)
;; ------------------------------------------------

;;-- Reference 4.3
(define (Q->pt num) ;; the conversion function which makes Q cope with pt
  (case num
    ((7) 5)    ((8) 5.5)    ((9) 6)    ((10) 7)    ((11) 7.5)
    ((12) 8)   ((13) 9)     ((14) 10)  ((15) 10.5) ((16) 11)
    ((18) 12)  ((20) 14)    ((21) 15)  ((24) 16)  ((26) 18.5) ((28) 20)
    (else (* num (/ 0.25 0.3514)))))

(define (get-unit- nul)
  ;; devide char list into num and unit. used in norm-unit
  ;;   ex) (string->list "13.5mm") --> ((#エ1 #エ3 #エ. #エ5 #エm #エm))
  (if (memq (car nul) '(#エ0 #エ1 #エ2 #エ3 #エ4 #エ5 #エ6 #エ7 #エ8 #エ9 #エ.))
      (let ((g (get-unit- (cdr nul))))
        (cons (cons (car nul)(car g)) (cdr g)))
      (list '() nul)))

(define (rm-unit- str org)
  (let* ((x (get-unit- (string->list str)))
         (num (string->number (list->string (car x))))
         (unit (list->string (cadr x))))
    (cond ((eqv? num #f) org) ;; no number part
          ((string=? unit "mm") num) ;; It normalizes completely in mm.
          ((string=? unit "cm") (* num 10.0))
          ((string=? unit "in") (* num 25.4))
; It is 0.3514 times because it is being converted
; into mm after it is changed into pt from the unit Q.
          ((string=? unit "Q") (* (Q->pt num) 0.3514))
          ((string=? unit "q") (* (Q->pt num) 0.3514))
          ;; 1/72 inch(American inch) is follow.
          ;;  ((string=? unit "pt") (* num (/ 25.4 72)))
          ;; A point is made "1pt = 0.3514".
          ((string=? unit "pt") (* num 0.3514))
          ((string=? unit "pica") (* num 4.233333))
          (else (warn "warning : norm-unit : unknown unit name : "

;; An expression with the unit is normalized with mm.
(define (norm-unit num_w_unit)
  (cond ((number? num_w_unit)
        ((symbol? num_w_unit)
         (rm-unit- (symbol->string num_w_unit) num_w_unit))
        ((string? num_w_unit)
         (rm-unit- num_w_unit num_w_unit))))

;; The function that mm makes numerical value stuck.
(define (mm x)
  (cond ((null? x) '())
        ((number? x) (string->symbol (string-append
                                      (number->string x) "mm")))
        ((list? x) (cons (mm (car x))(mm (cdr x))))
        (else x)))

;; A function to change into pt only targeting Q.
(define (norm-pt x)
  (let ((QtoPT
         (lambda (s x)
           (let* ((ul (get-unit- (string->list s)))
                  (num (string->number (list->string (car ul))))
                  (unit (list->string (cadr ul))))
             (cond ((eqv? num #f) x) ;; no number part
                   ((string=? unit "Q")
                    (string->symbol (string-append
                                     (number->string (Q->pt num))
                   (else x))))))
    (cond ((null? x) '())
          ((list? x) (cons (norm-pt (car x))(norm-pt (cdr x))))
          ((symbol? x)
           (QtoPT (symbol->string x) x))
          ((string? x)
           (QtoPT x x))
          (else x))))

;  The function which makes numerical value an expression to have about the unit pt.
;  It is added to 1999.
(define (pt x)
  (cond ((null? x) '())
  ((number? x) (string->symbol (string-append (number->string x) "pt")))
  ((list? x)(cons (pt (car x))(pt (cdr x))))
  (else x)))

;   The conversion of only the numerical value to the pt unit from the mm unit.
;  It is added to 1999.
(define (mm->pt x)
  (round (/ x 0.3514)))

;; ------------------------------------------------
;; determine-paper-size :
;;  The decision of *page-width* *page-height*.
;; ------------------------------------------------
(define *paper-size-list*  ;; -- Reference 4.1
  ;;  paper name   X mm       Y mm          ;   X inch    Y inch
  '(("11x17"       (279.4     431.8)  )     ;  (11        17)
    ("a0"          (839.611   1188.16))     ;  (33.0556   46.7778)
    ("a1"          (594.078   839.611))     ;  (23.3889   33.0556)
    ("a2"          (419.806   594.078))     ;  (16.5278   23.3889)
    ("a3"          (297.039   419.806))     ;  (11.6944   16.5278)
    ("a4"          (209.903   297.039))     ;  (8.26389   11.6944)
    ("a5"          (148.519   209.903))     ;  (5.84722   8.26389)
    ("a6"          (104.775   148.519))     ;  (4.125     5.84722)
    ("a7"          (74.0833   104.775))     ;  (2.91667   4.125)
    ("a8"          (52.2111   74.0833))     ;  (2.05556   2.91667)
    ("a9"          (37.0417   52.2111))     ;  (1.45833   2.05556)
    ("a10"         (26.1056   37.0417))     ;  (1.02778   1.45833)
    ("b0"          (1000.48   1413.93))     ;  (39.3889   55.6667)
    ("b1"          (706.967   1000.48))     ;  (27.8333   39.3889)
    ("b2"          (500.239   706.967))     ;  (19.6944   27.8333)
    ("b3"          (353.483   500.239))     ;  (13.9167   19.6944)
    ("b4"          (250.119   353.483))     ;  (9.84722   13.9167)
    ("b5"          (176.742   250.119))     ;  (6.95833   9.84722)
    ("flsa"        (215.9     330.2)  )     ;  (8.5       13)
    ("flse"        (215.9     330.2)  )     ;  (8.5       13)
    ("halfletter"  (139.7     215.9)  )     ;  (5.5       8.5)
    ("ledger"      (431.8     279.4)  )     ;  (17        11)
    ("legal"       (215.9     355.6)  )     ;  (8.5       14)
    ("letter"      (215.9     279.4)  )     ;  (8.5       11)
    ("note"        (190.5     254.0)  )     ;  (7.5       10)
    ;;  ....

(define (get-paper-size paper_name)
  (assoc paper_name *paper-size-list*))

(define (determine-paper-size spec)
  (let ((pn  (assoc '*paper-name* spec))
        (dir (assoc '*paper-direction* spec))
        (flow-dir (assoc '*writing-direction* spec))
        (w   (assoc '*paper-width* spec))
        (h   (assoc '*paper-height* spec)))
    (if w (set! w (norm-unit (cadr w))))
    (if h (set! h (norm-unit (cadr h))))

    (if (and (not (and w h)) pn)
        (let* ((pnn (cadr pn))
               (xy (assoc pnn *paper-size-list*)))
          (if xy
               (set! xy (cadr xy))
               (if (and dir (string=? "landscape" (cadr dir)))
                    (if (not w) (set! w (cadr xy)))
                    (if (not h) (set! h (car xy))))
                    (if (not w) (set! w (car xy)))
                    (if (not h) (set! h (cadr xy))))))
              (warn "unknown paper name.")

    (if (not (and w h))
        (determine-paper-size (cons '(*paper-name* "a4") spec))
          (if pn
              (set! pn (cadr pn))
              (set! pn "none"))
          (add-result `(define *paper-name* ,pn))
          (if dir
              (set! dir (cadr dir))
              (set! dir "portrait"))
          (add-result `(define *paper-direction* ,dir))
          (if flow-dir
              (set! flow-dir (cadr flow-dir))
              (set! flow-dir "horizontal"))
          (add-result `(define *writing-direction* ,flow-dir))
          (add-result `(define *paper-width* ,(mm w)))
          (add-result `(define *paper-height* ,(mm h)))
          (list w h pn dir flow-dir)

;; ------------------------------------------------

;; How to put a standard such as a book by the edition type together.
;; (Only a side set writes landscape with a4r and so on.)
;; It is amended in 1999. Default value is established.
(define *standard-composition-list*
  '(;  type   paper-direct   writing-mode   colomn-n
     ("43-14"     (9pt      43   14   18pt     0))
     ("43-15"     (9pt      43   15   18pt     0))
     ("43-16"     (9pt      43   16   17pt     0))
     ("44-17"     (9pt      44   17   16pt     0))
     ("50-18"     (8pt      50   18   15pt     0))
     ("50-19"     (8pt      50   19   14pt     0)))
    (("b6" "portrait" "vertical" 2)
     ("25-20"     (8pt      25   20   14pt     2))
     ("26-20"     (8pt      26   20   14pt     2)))
    (("b6" "portrait" "horizontal" 1)
     ("30-23"     (9pt      30   23   17pt     0))
     ("33-25"     (8pt      33   25   16pt     0))
     ("33-27"     (8pt      33   27   15pt     0))
     ("34-27"     (8pt      34   27   15pt     0)))

    (("b5" "portrait" "vertical" 1)
     ("24-31"     (8pt      24   31   13pt     0)))
    (("b5" "portrait" "horizontal" 1)
     ("43-32"     (9pt      43   32   18pt     0))
     ("regular"  (13Q      42   31   26Q      0)))
    (("b5" "portrait" "horizontal" 2)
     ("23-44"     (9pt      23   44   14pt     2))
     ("22-41"     (9pt      22   41   15pt     2))
     ("25-51"     (8pt      25   51   12pt     2))
     ("regular "  (13Q      22   43   20Q      2))
     ("wide"      (13Q      21   39   22Q      2))
     ("small"     (12Q      23   48   18Q      2)))

    (("a6" "portrait" "vertical" 1)
     ("41-13"     (8pt      41   13   17pt     0))
     ("41-14"     (8pt      41   14   16pt     0))
     ("41-15"     (8pt      42   15   15pt     0))
     ("42-13"     (8pt      42   13   16pt     0))
     ("42-14"     (8pt      42   14   16pt     0))
     ("42-15"     (8pt      42   15   15pt     0))
     ("43-15"     (8pt      43   15   15pt     0))
     ("43-16"     (8pt      43   16   14pt     0))
     ("43-18"     (8pt      43   18   13pt     0))
     ("43-19"     (8pt      43   19   13pt     0)))

    (("a5" "portrait" "vertical" 1)
     ("51-16"     (9pt      51   16   18pt     0))
     ("52-16"     (9pt      52   16   18pt     0))
     ("52-17"     (9pt      52   17   18pt     0))
     ("52-18"     (9pt      52   18   17pt     0))
     ("52-19"     (9pt      52   19   17pt     0)))
    (("a5" "portrait" "vertical" 2)
     ("25-20"     (9pt      25   20   15pt     2))
     ("30-24"     (8pt      30   24   13pt     2))
     ("29-23"     (8pt      29   23   14pt     2)))
    (("a5" "portrait" "horizontal" 1)
     ("35-26"     (9pt      35   26   18pt     0))
     ("35-28"     (9pt      35   28   17pt     0))
     ("35-30"     (9pt      35   30   16pt     0))
     ("40-30"     (8pt      40   30   16pt     0))
     ("38-33"     (8pt      38   33   14pt     0))
     ("regular"   (13Q      34   27   25Q      0))
     ("narrow"    (13Q      34   29   23Q      0))
     ("small"     (12Q      37   28   24Q      0))
     ("narrow-small"  (12Q  36   31   21Q      0)))

    ;; The next a4 is not the standard value that is general but a reference.
    (("a4" "portrait" "horizontal" 1)
     ("regular"  (13Q       51    41   24Q      0))
     ("narrow"    (14Q       48    39   25Q      0)))
    (("a4" "portrait" "horizontal" 2)
     ("regular"  (14Q       24    42   23Q      2)))
    (("a4" "portrait" "horizontal" 3)
     ("regular"  (14Q       16    42   23Q      2)))

;; The next function thinks about a party direction only by the lateral writing.
(define (calc-xx cn xx fd)
  (let ((fs  (norm-unit (car xx)))
        (num (norm-unit (cadr xx)))
        (ln  (norm-unit (caddr xx)))
        (lw  (norm-unit (cadddr xx)))
        (cs  (cddddr xx)))
    (if (= (length cs) 0)
        (set! cs 0) ;; if cs is omitted
        (set! cs (car cs)))
    (let ((rw (+ (* cn num fs) (* (- cn 1) cs fs)))
          (rh (* ln lw)))
      (if (string=? fd "horizontal")
          (list rw rh)
          (list rh rw)) )))

(define (get-sc pn dir flow-dir cn sc)
  (let ((e (list pn dir flow-dir cn))(ret #f))
    (set! ret (assoc e *standard-composition-list*))
    (if ret
          (set! ret(cdr ret))
          (set! ret (assoc sc ret))
          (if ret
              (cadr ret) ;; return xx

;;  The function that *page-spec* is formed forcibly when or value is wrong
;;  that *standard-composition* isn't being given to it.
;;  It is added to 1999.
(define (get-xx pn dir flow-dir cn )
  (let ((e (list pn dir flow-dir cn))
        (ret #f)
        (sc "default"))
    (set! ret (assoc e *standard-composition-list*))
    (if ret
      (set! ret (cdr ret))
      (set! ret (car ret))
      (cadr ret))

(define (determine-regionsize ps spec)
  (let (
        (w   (car ps))
        (h   (cadr ps))
        (pn  (caddr ps))
        (dir (cadddr ps))
        (flow-dir (cadddr (cdr ps)))
        (cn  (assoc '*column-number* spec))
        (xx  (assoc '*page-spec* spec)) ;; (FontSZ Letters Lines Feeds Colomn space)
        (rw  (assoc '*page-region-width* spec))
        (rh  (assoc '*page-region-height* spec))
        (sc  (assoc '*standard-composition* spec))
        (fs  (assoc '*base-font-size* spec))
        (xr  (assoc '*area-x-ratio* spec))
        (yr  (assoc '*area-y-ratio* spec))
        (xroff (assoc '*page-region-x-offset* spec))
        (yroff (assoc '*page-region-y-offset* spec))
        (x-off 0)
        (y-off 0)

    (if fs (set! fs (cadr fs)))
    (if cn (set! cn (cadr cn)))
    (if (not (number? cn)) (set! cn 1))
    (if rw (set! rw (norm-unit (cadr rw))))
    (if rh (set! rh (norm-unit (cadr rh))))
    (if sc (set! sc (cadr sc)))
    (if xx (set! xx (cadr xx)))

    ;;;; To quote the table for which to become a standard here.
    ;; (1)  Column set  + *page-region-width*/*page-region-height*
    ;; (2)  Column set  + (x x x x x)
    ;; (3)  Paper size/direction
    ;;      writing-mode + *standard-composition*
    ;;      Colomn set
    ;; The combination of either one is necessary. (The order of priority of (1) is high.)。
    ;; The Colomn set number is supposed to be single-column-set (*column-number* == 1)
    ;;  without being.

    (if (and (not xx) sc) (set! xx (get-sc pn dir flow-dir cn sc)))
    (if xx
          (set! xx (norm-pt xx))
          (let ;; pattern (2) or (3)
              ((ret (calc-xx cn xx flow-dir)))
            (if ret
                  (if (not rw) (set! rw (car ret)))
                  (if (not rh) (set! rh (cadr ret)))

    (if cn (add-result `(define *column-number* ,cn)))
    (if xx (add-result `(define *page-spec* ',xx)))
    (if sc (add-result `(define *standard-composition* ,sc)))

    ;; The function is decided forcibly when region height/width isn't decided.
    ;; In 1999, modification on addition.
    (if (not rw)
          (warn "no region width.")
          (set! rw (* w 0.8))))
    (if (not rh)
          (warn "no region height.")
          (set! rh (* h 0.8))))

    (add-result `(define *page-region-width* ,(mm rw)))
    (add-result `(define *page-region-height* ,(mm rh)))

    (if (not xx)
      (set! xx (get-xx pn dir flow-dir cn))
      (if sc (warn "*standard-composition* error"))
      (if xx
        (add-result `(define *page-spec* ,xx))
        (warn "default *page-spec*"))
       (add-result `(undefine *page-spec* #f)))))

    ;;;;;;;;; Edition side position.
    ;; It is used by the edition side position when *page-region-x-offset* /
    ;;  *page-region-y-offset* is being given to it specifically.
    ;;  When it is not so, it is calculated as a thing given to it in the ratio
    ;;   by *area-x-ratio* / *area-y-ratio*.
    ;;   The ratio 0.5 is made default when either isn't being given to it.
    (if (not xr) (set! xr 0.5))
    (if (not yr) (set! yr 0.5))
    (add-result `(define *area-x-ratio* ,xr))
    (add-result `(define *area-y-ratio* ,yr))
    (if   xroff
        (set! x-off xroff)
        (set! x-off (* (- w rw) xr)))
    (if   yroff
        (set! y-off yroff)
        (set! y-off (* (- h rh) yr)))

    (add-result `(define *page-region-x-offset* ,(mm x-off)))
    (add-result `(define *page-region-y-offset* ,(mm y-off)))

    (if (not fs) (if xx (set! fs (car xx))))
    (if fs (determine-font-size fs spec))

    (list x-off y-off)

(define (assoc-value e l)
  (let ((ret (assoc e l)))
    (if ret (cdr ret) ret)))

;; Headline character size calculation
;; -- reference 4.19
(define *default-font-table*
  '( (("a5" "portrait" "vertical" (9pt))
      (s   0 (large  14pt 4 4) (medium 12pt 6 3) (small  10pt 7 2))
      (lms 1 (large  14pt 4 3) (medium 12pt 6 2) (small  10pt 7 2))
      (lm  1 (large  14pt 4 2) (medium 12pt 6 3))
      (ls  1 (large  14pt 4 3)                   (small  10pt 7 2))
      (ms  1                   (medium 12pt 6 2) (small  10pt 7 2))
      (n   2))
     (("a5" "portrait" "horizontal" (9pt 8pt))
      (s   0 (large  14pt 'c 4) (medium 12pt 'c 3) (small  10pt 'c 2))
      (lms 1 (large  14pt 'c 3) (medium 12pt 'c 2) (small  10pt 'c 2))
      (lm  1 (large  14pt 'c 2) (medium 12pt 'c 3))
      (ls  1 (large  14pt 'c 3)                   (small  10pt 'c 2))
      (ms  1                   (medium 12pt 'c 2) (small  10pt 'c 2))
      (n   2))))

; The function that *font-table* of the default is computed.
; It is modified in 1999.
(define (determine-font-size fs flow-dir spec)
  (if fs (add-result `(define *base-font-size* ,fs)))
  (let ((jtm (assoc '*font-table* spec)))
    (if jtm
        (add-result `(define *font-table* ',jtm))
       ; To make it easy to handle later, "vertial". "horizontal" is judged,
       ;  and *font-table* of the default is returned.
          (if (string=? flow-dir "vertical")
              (set! jtm (cdr (list-ref *default-font-table* 0)))
              (set! jtm (cdr (list-ref *default-font-table* 1))))
          (add-result `(define *font-table*',jtm)))
        ))) ;; --- need to fix .....

;; The items/chapter number/footnote number description of the default.
(define *default-footnote-number-desc*
  '(#f #f "" "" ")")

(define *default-enum-number-desc*
  '(((1) #f "(" "" ")")   ;; (1)
    ((2) 'ABC "" "" ".")  ;;    A.
    ((3) 'abc "" "" ")")  ;;      a)

(define *default-title-number-desc*
  '(((1) #f "第" "." "章")  ;; 第1章
    ((2) #f     ""   "." "節")  ;; 1.1
    ((3) #f     ""   "." "項")  ;; 1.1.1
    ((n) #f     ""   "." ""))   ;;

(define (check-other-defs spec)
  (let ((rubi-f (assoc-value '*rubi-font-size-factor* spec))
        (subs-f (assoc-value '*subscript-font-size-factor* spec))
        (sups-f (assoc-value '*superscript-font-size-factor* spec))
    (bfw    (assoc-value '*base-font-weight* spec))
    (bfp    (assoc-value '*base-font-posture* spec))
        (bff    (assoc-value '*base-font-family* spec))
;       (tff    (assoc-value '*title-font-family* spec))
        (findf  (assoc-value '*jisage-factor* spec))
        (indf   (assoc-value '*indent-factor* spec))

        (hhn    (assoc-value '*has-header-nonburu* spec))
        (hhh    (assoc-value '*has-header-hasira*  spec))
        (hfn    (assoc-value '*has-footer-nonburu* spec))
        (hfh    (assoc-value '*has-footer-hasira*  spec))
        (hr     (assoc-value '*hasira-rect* spec))
        (hv     (assoc-value '*hasira-verso* spec))
        (fs     (assoc-value '*footnote-style* spec))
        (fe     (assoc-value '*footnote-exp* spec))
        (fn-nd  (assoc-value '*footnote-number-desc* spec))
        (en-nd  (assoc-value '*enum-number-desc* spec))
        (tt-nd  (assoc-value '*title-number-desc* spec))
    (add-result `(define *rubi-font-size-factor* ,(if rubi-f (car rubi-f) 0.5)))
    (add-result `(define *subscript-font-size-factor*
                   ,(if subs-f (car subs-f) 0.3)))
    (add-result `(define *superscript-font-size-factor*
                   ,(if sups-f (car sups-f) 0.3)))
    (add-result `(define *base-font-weight*
                  ',(if bfw (car bfw) 'medium)))
    (add-result `(define *base-font-posture*
                  ',(if bfp (car bfp) 'upright)))
    (add-result `(define *base-font-family*
                   ',(if bff (car bff) "mincho-light,sans-medium"))) ;; The default of the font name.
;    (add-result `(define *title-font-family*
;                 ',(if tff (car tff) "gochic-light,times-medium"))) ;; The default of the font name.
    (add-result `(define *jisage-factor*
                 ,(if findf (car findf) 1))) ;; The number of the characters
;; that a letter is indented in the beginning of the paragraph.
    (add-result `(define *indent-factor*
                 ,(if indf (car indf) 2))) ;; The number of the characters that a letter is indented.
    (add-result `(define *has-header-nonburu* ,(if hhn (car hhn) #t)))
    (add-result `(define *has-header-hasira*  ,(if hhh (car hhh) #t)))
    (add-result `(define *has-footer-nonburu* ,(if hfn (car hfn) #f)))
    (add-result `(define *has-footer-hasira*  ,(if hfh (car hfh) #f)))
    (add-result `(define *hasira-rect*  ,(if hr (car hr) " ")))
    (add-result `(define *hasira-verso*  ,(if hv (car hv) " ")))
    (add-result `(define *footnote-exp*  ,(if fe (car fe) "[]")))
    (add-result `(define *footnote-number-desc*
                   ,(if fn-nd (car fn-nd)
    (add-result `(define *enum-number-desc*
                   ,(if en-nd (car en-nd)
    (add-result `(define *title-number-desc*
                   ,(if tt-nd (car tt-nd)

;; top function
(define (build-page page-spec)

;  (set! *results* '())
  (set! *results* '( ;; It is defined in advance, of the spider.
                    (define-unit Q 0.25mm)
                    (define-unit pt 0.3514mm)
                    ;(define-unit pi (/ 1in 6))
                    ;(define-unit pt (/ 1in 72))
                    ;(define-unit px (/ 1in 96))
  (let* ((wh  (determine-paper-size page-spec)))
    (determine-region size wh page-spec)
    (check-other-defs page-spec)

;(define (r) (pp *results*))
(define (r)
  (let loop ((rs *results*))
    (cond ((null? rs) #t)
           (print (car rs))
           (loop (cdr rs))))))

;;;;; sample
(define page-spec
    (*paper-name* "b5")
    (*paper-direction* "portrait") ;; "landscape" / "portrait"
    (*standard-composition* "standard")
    (*column-number* 1)
(build-page page-spec)


Annex B. Functions

 ;; -*- Scheme -*-
 ;;                Amended Functions.dsl

; Numbering Functions for section and footnote

(define (char-repeat sym num)
  (string-append (char-repeat sym (- num 1)) sym))

(define (num->alpha num)
  (substring " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
             num (+ num 1)))

(define (num->alphaCAP num)
             num (+ num 1)))

(define (num->kanji num) ;; Assume max 2 digit.
  (if (> num 10)
      (string-append (if (= (quotient num 10) 1)
                         (num->kanji (quotient num 10)))
                     (num->kanji (remainder num 10)))
      (case num
        ((0) "") ((1) "一") ((2) "二") ((3) "三") ((4) "四") ((5) "五")
        ((6) "六") ((7) "七") ((8) "八") ((9) "九") ((10) "十"))))

;;;;;;; am..2000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;Roma numbering function
(define (num->roma num)
  (format-number num "i"))

(define (make-num n exp)
  (case exp
    (('abc) (num->alpha n))
    (('ABC) (num->alphaCAP n))
    (('kanji) (num->kanji n))
    (('roma) (num->roma n))
;    (('hira) (num->hira n))
;    (('kata) (num->hira n))
;    (('iroha-hira) (num->hira n))
;    (('iroha-kata) (num->hira n))
    (('asterisk)  (char-repeat "*" n))
    (('dag) (char-repeat "†" n))  ; Dag, ddag, P, S and Vert follow TeX.
    (('ddag) (char-repeat "‡" n))
    (('P) (char-repeat "¶" n))
    (('S) (char-repeat "§" n))
    (('Vert) (char-repeat "‖" n))
    (('sharp)  (char-repeat "#" n))
    (else (number->string n))

(define (make-numbering nl desc)
(if (equal? #f desc)
  (make-numbering nl *title-number-desc*)
  (letrec ((num-member
            (lambda (e l)
              (cond ((not(list? l)) #f)
                    ((member e l) #t)
                    ((eq? 'nl (car (reverse l)))
                     (let* ((ll (reverse (cdr (reverse l)))))
                       (if (> (length ll) 0)
                           (> e (apply max ll))
                    (else #f))))
            (lambda (level desc)
              (cond ((null? desc) #f)
                    ((not (list? (car desc))) desc)
                    ((not (list? (caar desc))) (car desc)) ; non-list
                    ((num-member level (caar desc)) (car desc))
                    (else (match-level level (cdr desc)))
            (lambda (nl num infix)
;             (cond ((eqv? 'last infix)                         amendment200x
              (cond ((or (eqv? 'last infix) (eqv? "" infix))   ;amendment2000
                     (make-num (car (reverse nl)) num))
                    ((null? (cdr nl))
                     (make-num (car nl) num))
                      (make-num (car nl) num)
                      (make-infix (cdr nl) num infix)))))))
    (cond ((number? nl) (make-numbering (list nl) desc))
          ((not (list? nl)) "")
          ((not (list? desc)) "")
          ((match-level (length nl) desc)
;           => (lambda (d)                                                   am..200x
            (let ((d (match-level (length nl) desc)))                       ;am..2000
                 (caddr d) ;; pre
                 (make-infix nl (cadr d)(cadddr d))
                 (cadddr (cdr d)) ;; post
          (else "")))))

;; Paragraph ? Define only style not function

(define *paragraph-style* ;; Base set of paragraph
   font-size: *base-font-size*
   font-weight: *base-font-weight*
   font-posture: *base-font-posture*
   font-family-name: *base-font-family*
   line-spacing: (cadddr *page-spec*)
   quadding: 'start ;; Left alignment.

(define *fli-paragraph-style* ;; Indented paragraph
   use: *paragraph-style*
   first-line-start-indent: (* *base-font-size* *jisage-factor*)

(define *indent-step*
  (* *base-font-size* *indent-factor*))

;; Head line/Page number
;;     - See PAGE-HEADER and PAGE-FOOTER. Here is only style.

(define *header-footer-style*
   use: *paragraph-style*
   font-size: (* *base-font-size* 1.0)
   line-spacing: (* (cadddr *page-spec*) 1.0)
   ;;font-posture: 'italic


;; Footnote

(define *footnote-style*
   use: *paragraph-style*
   font-size: (* *base-font-size* 1.0)
   line-spacing: (* (cadddr *page-spec*) 1.0)

;; Jidori

(define (jidori n)
  (make line-field
        field-width: (* *base-font-size* n) ;; n jidori
        (make paragraph
              quadding: 'justify
              last-line-quadding: 'justify

;; Caption

;;; Caption's paragraph definition is not eazy. Ready node count function.

(define (GET-MIDASHI-NUMS node-list)
;   (make-numbering (element-number-list node-list)))                        am..200x
    (make-numbering (element-number-list node-list) #f))                    ;am..2000

;; Ruby

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (glyph-annotation) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (RUBI)
;  (make glyph-annotation                                                    improvement.200x
;        annotation-glyph-placement: 'centered
;        annatation: (process-matching-children 'yomi)
;        (process-children)))
;(define (YOMI . f)
;  (let ((factor (if (null? f) *rubi-font-size-factor* (car f))))
;    (make paragraph
;          font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) factor)
;          (process-children))))

;;;;;; am..2000 (glyph-annotation) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (YOMI)
    (literal "(")
    (literal ")")))

;; Inferior

;     Using the period allow to omitt the argument.
;     But the processer does not adapt to the syntax.

;(define (SUBSCRIPT . f)                                                           am..200x
(define (SUBSCRIPT   f)                                                           ;am..2000
  (let ((factor (if (null? f) *subscript-font-size-factor* (car f))))
    (make math-sequence
          math-display-mode: 'inline
          (make subscript
                font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) factor)

;(define (SUPERSCRIPT . f)                                                         am..200x
(define (SUPERSCRIPT   f)                                                         ;am..2000
  (let ((factor (if (null? f) *superscript-font-size-factor* (car f))))
    (make math-sequence
          math-display-mode: 'inline
          (make superscript
                font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) factor)

;; Underline

(define (UNDERLINE)
  (make score
        type: 'after

;; Cuttingnote

;;;;;; improvement.200x (multi-line-inline-node) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (WARICHUU)
;  (make multi-line-inline-node ;; see ISO/IEC10179 12.6.24                     improvement.200x
;        (process-children)))

;; Emphasized mark

;;;;;; improvement.200x (emphasizing-mark) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (KENTEN)
;  (make emphasizing-mark ;; see ISO/IEC10179 12.6.25                           improvement.200x
;        mark: (literal "・")
;        (process-children)))

;; Typeface

(define (BOLD-SEQ)
  (make sequence
    font-weight: 'bold

(define (ITALIC-SEQ)
  (make sequence
    font-posture: 'italic

  (make sequence
        font-weight: 'bold
        font-posture: 'italic

(define (STRIKE-SEQ)
  (make score
    type: 'through

;; Itemize

(define (MAKE-ENUM-EXP nul)
  (make-numbering nul *enum-number-desc*))

;;;;;;; am..200x ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;  (make display-group
;        ;space-before:
;        ;space-after:
;        start-indent: (inherit-start-indent)

;;;;;;; am..2000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  (make display-group
        start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) (* *indent-factor* *base-font-size*))

;;;;;;; am..200x ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (LIST-ELEMENT lhead)  ;; lhead -- list head string
;  (make paragraph
;        use: *paragraph-style*
;        ;space-before:
;        start-indent: (+ (inherit-start-indent)
;                         (* *indent-factor* *base-font-size*))
;        first-line-start-indent: (- (* *indent-factor* *base-font-size*))
;        (make line-field
;              field-width: (* *indent-factor* *base-font-size*)
;              (literal lhead))
;        (process-children-trim)))

;;;;;;; am..2000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (LIST-ELEMENT lhead)  ;; lhead -- list head string
  (make paragraph
        use: *paragraph-style*
        start-indent: (inherited-start-indent)
        first-line-start-indent: (- (* *indent-factor* *base-font-size*))
        (make line-field
              field-width: (* *indent-factor* *base-font-size*)
              (literal lhead))

;; Title

;;;;;;; am..200x ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (TITLE-LARGE)
;  (make paragraph
;        use: *paragraph-style*
;        font-size: (list-ref *font-table* 2)
;        font-weight: 'bold
;        space-before:
;        (car
;         (case (gi (first (children (current-node))))
;           (("h2" "h3") (car (title-vertical-spacing "h1" 2)))
;           (else  (car (title-vertical-spacing "h1" 0)))))
;        space-after:
;        (cadr
;         (case (gi (first (children (current-node))))
;           (("h2" "h3") (cadr (title-vertical-spacing "h1" 2)))
;           (else  (cadr (title-vertical-spacing "h1" 0)))))
;        escapement-space-after: ;; used by character flow objedt class.
;        (title-char-spacing (count (children (current-node))) *paper-name*)
;        (literal (GET-MIDASHI-NUMS '("H1")))
;        (literal " ")
;        (process-children)))

;;;;;;; am..200x ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (TITLE-MEDIUM)
;  (make paragraph
;        use: *paragraph-style*
;        font-size: (list-ref *font-table* 3)
;        font-weight: 'bold
;        space-before:
;        (let ((b1 (absolute-first-sibling? (current-node)))
;              (b2 (string=? (gi (first (children (current-node)))) "h3")))
;          (car
;           (cond
;            ((and b1 b2) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 3))
;            ((and (not b1) b2) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 2))
;            ((and b1 (not b2)) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 1))
;            (else (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 0)))))
;        space-after:
;        (let ((b1 (absolute-first-sibling? (current-node)))
;              (b2 (string=? (gi (first (children (current-node)))) "h3")))
;          (cadr
;           (cond
;            ((and b1 b2) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 3))
;            ((and (not b1) b2) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 2))
;            ((and b1 (not b2)) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 1))
;            (else (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 0)))))
;        escapement-space-after:
;        (title-char-spacing (count (children (current-node))) *paper-name*)
;  ;      (make embedded-text   ;; Title number                     improvement.200x
;              direction: 'right-to-left
;              escapement-space-after: 0
;              (literal (GET-MIDASHI-NUMS '(H1 H2)))
;              (literal " ")
;               )
;        (process-children)))

;;;;;;; am..200x ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (TITLE-SMALL)
;  (make paragraph
;        use: *paragraph-style*
;        font-size: (list-ref *font-table* 4)
;        font-weight: 'bold
;        space-before:
;        (car
;         (if (absolute-first-sibling? (current-node))
;             (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 1)
;             (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 0)))
;        space-after:
;        (cadr
;         (if (absolute-first-sibling? (current-node))
;             (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 1)
;             (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 0)))
;        escapement-space-after:
;        (title-char-spacing (count (children (current-node))) *paper-name*)
; ;       (make embedded-text   ;; Title number                  improvement.200x
;              direction: 'right-to-left
;              escapement-space-after: 0
;              (literal (GET-MIDASHI-NUMS '(H1 H2 H3)))
;              (literal " ")
;               )
;        (process-children)))

;;;;;;; am..2000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (TITLE-LARGE)
  (make paragraph
        use: *paragraph-style*
        font-size: (list-ref (list-ref *font-table* 1) 1)
        font-weight: 'bold
         (case (gi (first (children (current-node))))
           (("h2" "h3") (title-vertical-spacing "h1" 2))
           (else (title-vertical-spacing "h1" 0))))
         (case (gi (first (children (current-node))))
           (("h2" "h3") (title-vertical-spacing "h1" 2))
           (else (title-vertical-spacing "h1" 0))))
           (title-char-spacing (count (children (current-node))) *paper-name*)
        (literal (GET-MIDASHI-NUMS '("H1")))
    (literal "  ")

;;;;;;; am..2000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (TITLE-MEDIUM)
  (make paragraph
        use: *paragraph-style*
        font-size: (list-ref (list-ref *font-table* 2) 1)
        font-weight: 'bold
        (let ((b1 (absolute-first-sibling? (current-node)))
              (b2 (string=? (gi (first (children (current-node)))) "h3")))
            ((and b1 b2) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 3))
            ((and (not b1) b2) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 2))
            ((and b1 (not b2)) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 1))
            (else (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 0)))))
        (let ((b1 (absolute-first-sibling? (current-node)))
              (b2 (string=? (gi (first (children (current-node)))) "h3")))
            ((and b1 b2) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 3))
            ((and (not b1) b2) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 2))
            ((and b1 (not b2)) (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 1))
            (else (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 0)))))
        (title-char-spacing (count (children (current-node))) *paper-name*)
        (literal (GET-MIDASHI-NUMS '("H1" "H2")))
        (literal "  ")

;;;;;;; am..2000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (TITLE-SMALL)
  (make paragraph
        use: *paragraph-style*
        font-size: (list-ref (list-ref *font-table* 3) 1)
        font-weight: 'bold
         (if (absolute-first-sibling? (current-node))
             (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 1)
             (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 0)))
         (if (absolute-first-sibling? (current-node))
             (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 1)
             (title-vertical-spacing "h2" 0)))
        (title-char-spacing (count (children (current-node))) *paper-name*)
        (literal (GET-MIDASHI-NUMS '("H1" "H2" "H3")))
        (literal "  ")

;;;;;;; am..2000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;Some additional definitions
(define (caar a)
    (car (car a)))

(define (cadr a)
    (car (cdr a)))

(define (caddr a)
    (car (cdr (cdr a))))

(define (cadddr a)
    (car (cdr (cdr (cdr a)))))

(define (first a)
    (node-list-first a))

(define (eq? a b)
        (if (and (not (list? a)) (not (list? b)))
        (equal? a b)

(define (eqv? a b)
    (eq? a b))

(define (count nl)
     (node-list-count nl))

(define (node-list-count nl)
  (node-list-length (node-list-remove-duplicates nl)))

(define (node-list-remove-duplicates nl)
  (node-list-reduce nl
                    (lambda (result snl)
                      (if (node-list-contains? result snl)
                          (node-list result snl)))

(define (node-list-contains? nl snl)
  (node-list-reduce nl
                    (lambda (result i)
                      (or result
                          (node-list=? snl i)))

(define (string=? a b)
    (if (and (string? a) (string? b))
        (equal? a b)


Annex C. Page models

;; -*- Scheme -*-
;;                Amended Pagemodel.dsl

;; Additional characteristics

;; Ruby must not be on adjoin Chinese.
(declare-characteristic ruby-style "-//JIS//TR X 0010//JP" #t)

;; Patterns of line.
(declare-characteristic line-style "-//JIS//TR X 0010//JP" 'hyoukei)

;; Ruby and emphasized mark don't increase line space. Parent character base.
(declare-characteristic layout-rule "-//JIS//TR X 0010//JP" #t)

;; Page model

;; Default height of header/footer is for 2 lines.
(define *header-height* (* (cadddr *page-spec*) 2))
(define *footer-height* (* (cadddr *page-spec*) 2))

;; *page-region-y-offset* is distance from top left. Change into bottom left like DSSSL.
;; In addition to, region contains header/footer.

(define *pr-y-off*
  (- *paper-height* *page-region-y-offset*
     *page-region-height* *footer-height*))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (page-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define-page-model standard-rect-page
;  (filling-direction 'top-to-bottom)
;  (width *paper-width*)
;  (height *paper-height*)
;  (region
;    (x-origin *page-region-x-offset*)
;    (y-origin *pr-y-off*)
;   (width *page-region-width*)
;   (height (+ *page-region-height* *header-height* *footer-height*))
;    (header
;      (height *header-height*)
;     (width *page-region-width*)
;      (generate (HEADER-CONTENT 'rect)))
;   (footer
;      (height *footer-height*)
;      (width *page-region-width*)
;      (generate (FOOTER-CONTENT 'rect)))
;   ))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (page-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define *verso-pr-x-off*
;  (- *paper-width* *page-region-x-offset* *page-region-width*))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (page-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define-page-model standard-verso-page
;  (filling-direction 'top-to-bottom)
;  (width *paper-width*)
;  (height *paper-height*)
;  (region
;   (x-origin *verso-pr-x-off*)
;   (y-origin *pr-y-off*)
;   (width *page-region-width*)
;   (height (+ *page-region-height* *header-height* *footer-height*))
;   (header
;    (height *header-height*)
;    (width *page-region-width*)
;    (generate (PAGE-HEADER 'verso)))
;   (footer
;    (height *footer-height*)
;    (width *page-region-width*)
;    (generate (PAGE-FOOTER 'verso)))
;   ))

;; Specification of head line and page number.
;;      *has-header-nonburu*
;;      *has-header-hasira*
;;      *has-footer-nonburu*
;;      *has-footer-hasira*
;;      *hasira-rect* (string)
;;      *hasira-verso* (string)
;;   Head line and page number space is zenkakuaki.
;;   No specification that the head line is center of top edge.

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (page-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (PAGE-HEADER side)
;  (make paragraph
;        use: *header-footer-style* ;;*paragraph-style*
;        quadding: (if (eq side 'verso) 'end 'start)
;        (case side
;          (('rect)
;           (sosofo-append ((if *has-header-nonburu*
;                               (MAKE-NONBURU) #f)
;                           (literal " ")
;                           (if *has-header-hasira*
;                               (literal *hasira-rect*) #f)
;          )))
;         (else
;           (sosofo-append ((if *has-header-hasira*
;               (literal *hasira-verso*) #f)
;           (if *has-header-nonburu*
;               (progn
;                (literal " ")
;                (MAKE-NONBURU)) #f)
;           )))
;        )))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (page-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (PAGE-FOOTER side)
;  (make paragraph
;        use: *header-footer-style* ;;*paragraph-style*
;        space-before: *base-font-size* ;; 1 line space
;        quadding: (if (eq side 'verso) 'end 'start)
;        (case side
;          (('rect)
;           (sosofo-append ((if *has-footer-nonburu*
;                               (MAKE-NONBURU) #f)
;                           (literal " ")
;                           (if *has-footer-hasira*
;                               (literal *hasira-rect*) #f)
;           )))
;          (else
;            (sosofo-append ((if *has-footer-hasira*
;                (literal *hasira-verso*) #f)
;            (if *has-footer-nonburu*
;                (progn
;                  (literal " ")
;                  (MAKE-NONBURU)) #f)
;           )))
;        )))

  ;;(literal "page ")
  (page-number-sosofo)  ;; Number only

;; Set footnote
(define (MAKE-FOOTNOTE-EXP num)  ;; Expression footnote
  (make-numbering num *footnote-number-desc*))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (included-container-area);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (FOOTNOTE)
;  (let ((footnote-exp (MAKE-FOOTNOTE-EXP (footnote-number 'page))))
;     ;; First, only footnote number every page.
;     ;; Aijirusi position of note is where (FOOTNOTE) is called .
;    (make sequence
;          (make included-container-area                                     improvement.200x
;                use: *footnote-style*
;                display?: #f
;                (literal footnote-exp))
;          (make paragraph
;                label: 'footnote
;                (literal footnote-exp)
;                (literal " ")
;                (process-children)))))

;;;;;;; am..2000 (included-container-area);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;------Footnote number only-------;
(define (FOOTNOTE)
    (make superscript
        font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) *superscript-font-size-factor*)
        (literal (MAKE-FOOTNOTE-EXP (element-number (current-node))))))

;;;;;;; am..2000 (included-container-area);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;------Footnote contents----------;
    (with-mode FOOT-MODE
        (process-node-list (node-matching-list (parent (current-node)) "FN"))))

;;;;;;; am..2000 (included-container-area);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    (element FN
        (make paragraph
            (literal (MAKE-FOOTNOTE-EXP (element-number (current-node))))

;;;;;;; am..2000 (included-container-area);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;----Searches in the subgrove whose roots are each member of nl for element matching pattern.----;
(define (node-matching-list nl pattern)
    (let (
            (first (node-list-first  nl))
            (rest (node-list-rest  nl)))
        (if (node-list-empty? first)
                (if (string=? pattern (gi first))
                    (node-list-rest first))
                (node-matching-list (children first) pattern)
                (node-matching-list rest pattern)))))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (included-container-area);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;  (make rule
;        orientation: 'horizontal
;        line-thickness: 1pt
;        ))

;; Set column
;;;;;;; improvement.200x (column-set-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define *column-width* (* (cadr *page-spec*)(caddr *page-spec*)))
;(define *column-width+gap*
;  (let ((gap (cddddr *page-spec*)))
;    (if (null? gap)
;        *column-width*
;        (* (cadr *page-spec*)(+ (caddr *page-spec*) (car gap))))))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (column-set-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define (filling-dir fld) ;; Filling direction is perpendicularity if
                           ;; how to set type is vertical.
;  (if (equal fld 'vertical)
;      'left-to-right
;      'top-to-bottom))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (column-set-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define-column-set-model standard-one-column-model
;  (filling-direction (filling-dir *writing-dir*))
;  (column-subset
;   (column
;    (x-origin 0)
;    (width *column-width*)
;    (footnote-separator
;     (generate (FOOTNOTE-SEPARATOR))
;   (flow '(footnote footnote) )
;   ))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (column-set-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;  (filling-direction (filling-dir *writing-dir*))
;  (column-subset
;   (column
;    (x-origin 0)
;    (width *column-width*))
;   (column
;    (x-origin *column-width+gap*)
;   (width *column-width*)
;   (footnote-separator
;   (generate (FOOTNOTE-SEPARATOR))
; (flow '(footnote footnote) )
;   ))

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (column-set-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(define-column-set-model standard-three-column-model
;  (filling-direction (filling-dir *writing-dir*))
;  (column-subset
;   (column
;    (x-origin 0)
;    (width *column-width*))
;   (column
;    (x-origin *column-width+gap*)
;    (width *column-width*))
;   (column
;    (x-origin (* 2 *column-width+gap*))
;    (width *column-width*)
;    (footnote-separator
;     (generate (FOOTNOTE-SEPARATOR))
;   (flow '(footnote footnote) )
;   ))

;; Functions to generate top level flow object.
;;      Call with top level construction rule.

;;;;;;; improvement.200x (page-sequence,column-set-sequence,included-container-area);;;
;  (case *column-number*
;    ((1)
;     (make page-sequence                                                 improvement.200x
;           initial-page-models: (standard-rect-page standard-verso-page)
;           repeat-page-models: (standard-rect-page standard-verso-page)
;           ;;content-map: '((footnote footnote))
;           (make column-set-sequence                                     improvement.200x
;                 column-set-model: standard-one-column-model
;                 (process-children-trim))       ))
;    ((2)
;     (make page-sequence                                                 improvement.200x
;           initial-page-models: (standard-rect-page standard-verso-page)
;           repeat-page-models: (standard-rect-page standard-verso-page)
;           ;;content-map: '((footnote footnote))
;           (make column-set-sequence                                     improvement.200x
;                 column-set-model: standard-two-column-model
;                 (process-children-trim))       ))
;   ((3)
;    (make page-sequence                                                  improvement.200x
;          initial-page-models: (standard-rect-page standard-verso-page)
;          repeat-page-models: (standard-rect-page standard-verso-page)
;           ;;content-map: '((footnote footnote))
;           (make column-set-sequence                                     improvement.200x
;                 column-set-model: standard-three-column-model
;                 (process-children-trim))       ))
;    ))

;;;;;;; am..2000 (page-sequence,column-set-sequence,included-container-area);;;;
  (make simple-page-sequence
    font-family-name: *base-font-family*
    font-size: *base-font-size*
    line-spacing: (cadddr *page-spec*)
    left-header: (make sequence
                        font-size: (- *base-font-size* 1pt)
                        line-spacing: (cadddr *page-spec*)
                        font-posture: 'italic
                          (if *has-header-nonburu*
                            MAKE-NONBURU (empty-sosofo))
                          (if *has-header-hasira*
                            (literal *hasira-verso*) (empty-sosofo)))))
    right-header: (make sequence
                        font-size: (- *base-font-size* 1pt)
                        line-spacing: (cadddr *page-spec*)
                        font-posture: 'italic
                             (if *has-header-hasira*
                               (literal *hasira-rect*) (empty-sosofo))
                             (if *has-header-nonburu*
                               MAKE-NONBURU (empty-sosofo)))
    left-footer: (make sequence
                        font-size: (- *base-font-size* 1pt)
                        line-spacing: (cadddr *page-spec*)
                        font-posture: 'italic
                             (if *has-footer-nonburu*
                                MAKE-NONBURU (empty-sosofo))
                             (if *has-footer-hasira*
                               (literal *hasira-verso*) (empty-sosofo)))))
    right-footer: (make sequence
                        font-size: (- *base-font-size* 1pt)
                        line-spacing: (cadddr *page-spec*)
                        font-posture: 'italic
                               (if *has-footer-hasira*
                                 (literal *hasira-rect*) (empty-sosofo))
                               (if *has-footer-nonburu*
                                  MAKE-NONBURU (empty-sosofo)))
    top-margin: *page-region-y-offset*
    bottom-margin: (- *paper-height* *page-region-height* *page-region-y-offset*)
    left-margin: *page-region-x-offset*
    right-margin: (- *paper-width* *page-region-width* *page-region-x-offset*)
    header-margin: (- *page-region-y-offset* *header-height*)
    footer-margin: *pr-y-off*
    page-width: *page-region-width*
    page-height: *page-region-height*
    quadding: 'justify
    page-n-columns: *column-number*

;;;;;;; am..2000 (column-set-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;Caracteristic definition for multi column-sets on simple-page-sequence.
(declare-characteristic page-n-columns
         "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::page-n-columns" 1)

;;;;;;; am..2000 (page-sequence);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;Function definition to make verso and recto have difference sosofo.
(define if-front-page
  (external-procedure "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Procedure::if-front-page"))


Annex D. HTML - Specifying DTD rules -

;; -*- Scheme -*- amendment html.dsl

;; ======================= NON-PRINTING ELEMENTS ========================

;; Note that HEAD includes TITLE, ISINDEX, BASE, META, STYLE,
;;   SCRIPT, and LINK as possible children

;(default (empty-sosofo));; default element construction rule [171]

(element HEAD (empty-sosofo))
(element FORM (empty-sosofo))
(element APPLET (empty-sosofo))
(element PARAM (empty-sosofo))
(element TEXTFLOW (empty-sosofo))
(element MAP (empty-sosofo))
(element AREA (empty-sosofo))

;; ============================ TOP LEVEL ===============================

(element HTML
         (STANDARD-PAGE-SEQUENCE) ;; see pagemodel.dsl

(element BODY

;; ========================== BLOCK ELEMENTS ============================

;; ............................ Generic DIV .............................

(define (align-attr attr)
  (case attr
    (("LEFT") 'start)
    (("CENTER") 'center)
    (("RIGHT") 'end)
    (else 'justify)))

(element DIV
 (let ((align (align-attr (attribute-string "align"))))
   (make display-group
         quadding: align

(element CENTER
 (make display-group
       quadding: 'center

;; ............................ headings ..............................
(element H1 (TITLE-LARGE))   ;; see function.dsl
(element H2 (TITLE-MEDIUM))
(element H3 (TITLE-SMALL))
(element H4 (TITLE-SMALL))
(element H5 (TITLE-SMALL))
(element H6 (TITLE-SMALL))
;; ............................ Paragraphs ..............................

(element P
 (make paragraph
       use: *fli-paragraph-style*
       quadding: (PQUAD)

(element ADDRESS
  (make paragraph
        use: *paragraph-style*
        start-indent: *indent-step*

  (make paragraph
        start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) *indent-step*)
        end-indent: (+ (inherited-end-indent) *indent-step*)

(element PRE (MONO-SEQ))
(element XMP (MONO-SEQ))
(element LISTING (MONO-SEQ))

(element BR
  (make display-group (empty-sosofo)))

;; ............................ Lists ..............................



(element (OL LI) (LIST-ELEMENT
                  (make-numbering (child-number)
                                  (case (modulo (length (hierarchical-number-recursive "OL")) 4)
                                    ((1) '(#f #f "(" last ")")) ;  (1)...
                                    ((2) '(#f 'abc "(" last ")")) ; (a)...
                                    ((3) '(#f 'roma "(" last ")")) ; (i)...
                                    ((0) '(#f 'ABC "(" last ")")) ; (A)...

(element (UL LI) (LIST-ELEMENT
                  (case (modulo (length (hierarchical-number-recursive "UL")) 4)
                    ((1) "-")
                    ((2) "・")
                    ((3) "☆")
                    ((0) "◎")

(element (DIR LI) (LIST-ELEMENT " "))

(element (MENU LI) (LIST-ELEMENT " "))


(element DT (make paragraph
                  use: *paragraph-style*
                  start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent)
                                   (* *indent-factor* *base-font-size*))
                  first-line-start-indent: (- (* *indent-factor* *base-font-size*))

(element DD (make paragraph
                  use: *paragraph-style*
                  start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent)
                                   (* *indent-factor* *base-font-size*))
                  first-line-start-indent: 0pt

;; ............................ seq ..............................

(element B (BOLD-SEQ))
(element EM (BOLD-SEQ))
(element STRONG (BOLD-SEQ))
(element I (ITALIC-SEQ))
(element CITE (ITALIC-SEQ))
(element VAR (ITALIC-SEQ))
(element A (BOLD-ITALIC-SEQ))

(element TT (MONO-SEQ))
(element CODE (MONO-SEQ))
(element KBD (MONO-SEQ))
(element SAMP (MONO-SEQ))

(element U (UNDERLINE))

;(element SUB (SUBSCRIPT))                                             am..200x
(element SUB (SUBSCRIPT '()))                                         ;am..2000
;(element SUP (SUPERSCRIPT '()))                                       am..200x
(element SUP (SUPERSCRIPT '()))                                       ;am..2000

;; (element BIG )
;; (element SMALL )
;; (element FONT )

;; ============================== RULES =================================

(element HR
 (let ((align (attribute-string "ALIGN"))
       (noshade (attribute-string "NOSHADE"))
       (size (attribute-string "SIZE"))
       (width (attribute-string "WIDTH")))
  (make rule
        orientation: 'horizontal
        space-before: %block-sep%
        space-after: %block-sep%
        line-thickness: (if size (PARSEDUNIT size) 1pt)
        length: (if width (PARSEDUNIT width) %body-width%)
          (case align
                (("LEFT") 'start)
                (("CENTER") 'center)
                (("RIGHT") 'end)
                (else 'end)))))

;; ============================= GRAPHICS ===============================

;; Note that DSSSL does not currently support text flowed around an
;;   object, so the action of the ALIGN attribute is merely to shift the
;;   image to the left or right.  An extension to add runarounds to DSSSL
;;   has been proposed and should be incorporated here when it becomes
;;   final.

(element IMG
  (make external-graphic
        entity-system-id: (attribute-string "src")
        display?: #t
        space-before: 1em
        space-after: 1em
          (case (attribute-string "align")
                (("LEFT") 'start)
                (("RIGHT") 'end)
                (else 'center))))

;; ============================== TABLES ================================

(element TABLE
;; number-of-columns is for future use
  (let ((number-of-columns
         (node-list-reduce (node-list-rest (children (current-node)))
                           (lambda (cols nd)
                             (max cols
                                  (node-list-length (children nd))))
  (make display-group
        space-before: %block-sep%
        space-after: %block-sep%
        start-indent: %body-start-indent%
;; for debugging:
;;      (make paragraph
;;            (literal
;;             (string-append
;;              "Number of columns: "
;;              (number->string number-of-columns))))
        (with-mode table-caption-mode (process-first-descendant "CAPTION"))
        (make table

(mode table-caption-mode
  (element CAPTION
           (make paragraph
                 use: para-style
                 font-weight: 'bold
                 space-before: %block-sep%
                 space-after: %para-sep%
                 start-indent: (inherited-start-indent);
                   "Table "
                    (element-number) "1") ". "))

(element CAPTION (empty-sosofo)) ; don't show caption inside the table

(element TR
  (make table-row

(element TH
  (make table-cell
        ;n-rows-spanned: (string->number (attribute-string "COLSPAN"))
        (make paragraph
              font-weight: 'bold
              space-before: 0.25em
              space-after: 0.25em
              start-indent: 0.25em
              end-indent: 0.25em
              quadding: 'start

(element TD
  (make table-cell
        ;n-rows-spanned: (string->number (attribute-string "COLSPAN"))
        (make paragraph
              space-before: 0.25em
              space-after: 0.25em
              start-indent: 0.25em
              end-indent: 0.25em
              quadding: 'start

;;;;;;; the following 113 lines am..2000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (MONO-SEQ)
  (make sequence
(define %para-sep% (/ *base-font-size* 2.0))
(define %block-sep% (* %para-sep% 2.0))
(define %body-width% *page-region-width*)
(define (PQUAD)
    (case (attribute-string "align")
        (("LEFT") 'start)
        (("CENTER") 'center)
        (("RIGHT") 'end)
        (else (inherited-quadding))))

;a definition of style
(define para-style
   font-size: *base-font-size*
   line-spacing: (* *base-font-size* 1.1)))

;a definition of unit
(define-unit em *base-font-size*)
(define-unit pi (/ 1in 6))
(define-unit px (/ 1in 96))
(define-unit mm .001m)
(define-unit cm .01m)

;a definition of functions
(define (node-list-reduce nl combine init)
 (if (node-list-empty? nl)
      (node-list-reduce (node-list-rest nl)
            (combine init (node-list-first nl)))))

(define upperalpha '(A))
;  (list #エA #エB #エC #エD #エE #エF #エG #エH #エI #エJ #エK #エL #エM
;        #エN #エO #エP #エQ #エR #エS #エT #エU #エV #エW #エX #エY #エZ))

(define loweralpha '(a))
;  (list #エa #エb #エc #エd #エe #エf #エg #エh #エi #エj #エk #エl #エm
;        #エn #エo #エp #エq #エr #エs #エt #エu #エv #エw #エx #エy #エz))

(define (EQUIVLOWER c a1 a2)
  (cond ((null? a1) '())
        ((char=? c (car a1)) (car a2))
        ((char=? c (car a2)) c)
        (else (EQUIVLOWER c (cdr a1) (cdr a2)))))

(define (char-downcase c)
  (EQUIVLOWER c upperalpha loweralpha))

(define (ISALPHA? c)
  (if (or (member c upperalpha) (member c loweralpha)) #t #f))

(define (LOCASE slist)
  (if (null? slist)
      (cons (char-downcase (car slist)) (LOCASE (cdr slist)))))

(define (STR2LIST s)
  (let ((start 0)
        (len (string-length s)))
    (let loop ((i start) (l len))
          (if (= i len)
              (cons (string-ref s i)(loop (+ i 1) l))))))

(define (LIST2STR x)
  (apply string x))


(define (UNAME-START-INDEX u last)
  (let ((c (string-ref u last)))
    (if (ISALPHA? c)
         (if (= last 0)
             (UNAME-START-INDEX u (- last 1)))
         (+ last 1))))

(define (PARSEDUNIT u)
  (if (string? u)
    (let ((strlen (string-length u)))
      (if (> strlen 2)
          (let ((u-s-i (UNAME-START-INDEX u (- strlen 1))))
            (if (= u-s-i 0)
                 (if (= u-s-i strlen)
                     (* (string->number u) 1px)
                     (let* ((unum (string->number
                                   (substring u 0 u-s-i)))
                            (uname (STRING-DOWNCASE
                                   (substring u u-s-i strlen))))
                        (case uname
                            (("mm") (* unum 1mm))
                            (("cm") (* unum 1cm))
                            (("in") (* unum 1in))
                            (("pi") (* unum 1pi))
                            (("pc") (* unum 1pi))
                            (("pt") (* unum 1pt))
                            (("px") (* unum 1px))
                            (("barleycorn") (* unum 2pi))
                                ((number? unum)
                                 (* unum 1px))
                                ((number? (string->number u))
                                 (* (string->number u) 1px))
                                      (else u))))))))
         (if (number? (string->number u))
             (* (string->number u) 1px)

;;;;;;; am..2000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(element YOMI (YOMI))
(element FN (FOOTNOTE))


Annex E. Read me - the Contents of recording on the Flexible Disk -

One sheet of flexible disk of the MS-DOS style is attached to this technical report (JIS/TR). The file name of the file which this flexible disk is containing and the contents are shown in the next.

  1. parameter-build.scm

    The Formation Program for Parameter Details which shows it in the Annex A of this technical report (JIS/TR).

  2. functios.dsl

    The Functions which shows it in the Annex B of this technical report (JIS/TR).

  3. pagemodel.dsl

    The Page Models which shows it in the Annex C of this technical report (JIS/TR).

  4. html.dsl

    The Specifying DTD rule group which shows it in the Annex C of this technical report (JIS/TR).

  5. readme.txt

    The text file which a accessory showed the contents of the flexible disk in the same way as this attached document in.

the end of annex