附属書A. DTDによるRELAX Coreの記述

A.1 RELAX Core本体

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
DTD for RELAX Core (Ver 1.0)
$Id: relaxCore.dtd 1.16 2000/04/16 04:29:30 murata Exp $

<!ENTITY % datatype "User_defined_datatypes_are_disallowed_at_least_now">
<!ENTITY % datatype-definitions SYSTEM "datatypes.dtd">

<!--                                                       -->  
<!--         The overall structure of RELAX modules.       -->
<!--                                                       -->  

<!ELEMENT interface (annotation?, (export | div)*)>

<!ENTITY % clause "(tag|attPool)">

<!ENTITY % rule "(elementRule|hedgeRule)">

<!ELEMENT module (annotation?, interface?, 
                       (%clause; | %rule; | div | include )*)>

<!ATTLIST module
                 moduleVersion    CDATA      #IMPLIED
                 relaxCoreVersion CDATA      #IMPLIED
                 targetNamespace  CDATA      #IMPLIED
                 xmlns            CDATA      #FIXED "http://www.xml.gr.jp/xmlns/relaxCore"
<!--                                                       -->  
<!--                          div                          -->
<!--                                                       -->  

<!ELEMENT div (annotation?, ((%rule; |%clause; | include | div)*
			     | (export | div)*))>


(%rule; |%clause; | include | div)* is used when a div appears in a
module body, while (export | div)* is used when it appears in an
interface element.



<!--                                                       -->  
<!--                       Interface                       -->
<!--                                                       -->  

<!ELEMENT export ((%annotation;)?)>

<!--                                                       -->  
<!--                       Include                         -->
<!--                                                       -->  

<!ELEMENT include ((%annotation;)?)>
<!ATTLIST include moduleLocation CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!--                                                       -->  
<!--                    Hedge Models                       -->
<!--                                                       -->  

<!-- The parameter entity "particle" is used to describe element hedge
models.  It is also used as subordinates of <sequence>, <choice>,
and <mixed>. -->

<!ENTITY % particle "(ref | hedgeRef | choice | sequence | element 
			  | none | empty)">

<!ENTITY % hedgeModel 
	"(%particle;  | mixed)">

<!-- The parameter entity "repeatable" is used to specify the "occurs"
 attribute, which is shared by several elements.  Permissible values
 are either "?", "+", or "*".  -->

<!ENTITY % repeatable '
                 occurs       CDATA      #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT hedgeRef EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST hedgeRef 
                 label      NMTOKEN      #IMPLIED

<!ATTLIST ref 
                 label      NMTOKEN      #IMPLIED
                 role       NMTOKEN      #IMPLIED


<!ELEMENT choice (%particle;)* >
<!ATTLIST choice

<!ELEMENT sequence (%particle;)* >
<!ATTLIST sequence


<!ELEMENT mixed (%particle;) >

<!ELEMENT element ((%annotation;)?, (%facet;)*)>
<!ATTLIST element 
                 name     NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
                 type     NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
                 label    NMTOKEN #IMPLIED

<!--                                                       -->  
<!--                       Rules                           -->
<!--                                                       -->  

<!ELEMENT elementRule ((%annotation;)?,
				(tag* | attPool*), 
				((%hedgeModel;)? | (%facet;)*))>

<!ATTLIST elementRule 
		role        NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
		label       NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
                type        NMTOKEN #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT hedgeRule  ((%annotation;)?, %particle;) >
<!ATTLIST hedgeRule
                label       NMTOKEN #REQUIRED

<!--                                                       -->  
<!--                        Clauses                        -->
<!--                                                       -->  

<!ENTITY % clauseBody "((%annotation;)?, ref*, attribute*)">

<!ELEMENT tag  (%clauseBody;)>
                 role     NMTOKEN      #IMPLIED
                 name     NMTOKEN      #REQUIRED

<!ELEMENT attPool (%clauseBody;)>
<!ATTLIST attPool
                 role  NMTOKEN      #REQUIRED

<!ELEMENT attribute ((%annotation;)?, (%facet;)*) >
<!ATTLIST attribute
                 name      NMTOKEN      #REQUIRED
                 required   (true)      #IMPLIED
                 type      NMTOKEN      #IMPLIED

A.2 データ型

datatypes.dtdとして,XML Schemaのデータ型を定義しているDTD(XML Schema Part 2の付録B)をそのまま使用する。