附属書B XHTML基本の文書型定義

B.1 XHTML基本のためのSGML開放型カタログエントリ


-- .......................................................................... --
-- File catalog  ............................................................ --

--  XHTML Basic Catalog Data File

    Revision:  $Id: xhtml-basic10.cat,v 2.4 2000/12/18 21:42:58 mimasa Exp $ SMI

    See "Entity Management", SGML Open Technical Resolution 9401 for detailed
    information on supplying and using catalog data. This document is available
    from OASIS at URL:


-- .......................................................................... --
-- SGML declaration associated with XML  .................................... --


SGMLDECL "xml1.dcl"

-- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --

-- XHTML Basic DTD modular driver file  ..................................... --

PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN"                       "xhtml-basic10.dtd"

-- XHTML Basic framework module ............................................. --

PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML Basic 1.0 Document Model 1.0//EN"  "xhtml-basic10-model-1.mod"

-- End of catalog data  ..................................................... --
-- .......................................................................... --

B.2 XHTML基本のドライバ

B.2は,XML DTDとしての,XHTML基本の文書型の実装用ドライバを含む。これは,[XHTMLMOD]で定義されるXHTMLモジュールの実装に依存する。

<!-- XHTML Basic 1.0 DTD  ...................................................... -->
<!-- file: xhtml-basic10.dtd -->

<!-- XHTML Basic 1.0 DTD

     This is XHTML Basic, a proper subset of XHTML.

     The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML)
     Copyright 1998-2000 World Wide Web Consortium
        (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
         Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
         All Rights Reserved.

     Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the XHTML Basic DTD
     and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is
     hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice
     and this paragraph appear in all copies.  The copyright holders make
     no representation about the suitability of the DTD for any purpose.

     It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.

        Editors:    Murray M. Altheim <mailto:altheim@eng.sun.com>
                    Peter Stark       <mailto:Peter.Stark@ecs.ericsson.se>
        Revision:   $Id: xhtml-basic10.dtd,v 2.13 2000/12/18 12:56:23 mimasa Exp $ SMI

<!-- This is the driver file for version 1.0 of the XHTML Basic DTD.

     This DTD is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

     PUBLIC: "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN"
     SYSTEM: "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/xhtml-basic10.dtd"
<!ENTITY % XHTML.version  "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN" >

<!-- Use this URI to identify the default namespace:


     See the Qualified Names module for information
     on the use of namespace prefixes in the DTD.
<!ENTITY % NS.prefixed "IGNORE" >
<!ENTITY % XHTML.prefix  "" >

<!-- Reserved for use with the XLink namespace:
<!ENTITY % XLINK.xmlns "" >
<!ENTITY % XLINK.xmlns.attrib "" >

<!-- For example, if you are using XHTML Basic 1.0 directly, use
     the FPI in the DOCTYPE declaration, with the xmlns attribute
     on the document element to identify the default namespace:

         <?xml version="1.0"?>
         <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN"
             "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/xhtml-basic10.dtd" >
         <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
               xml:lang="en" >

<!-- reserved for future use with document profiles -->
<!ENTITY % XHTML.profile  "" >

<!-- Bidirectional Text features
     This feature-test entity is used to declare elements
     and attributes used for bidirectional text support.

<?doc type="doctype" role="title" { XHTML Basic 1.0 } ?>

<!-- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -->

<!ENTITY % xhtml-events.module   "IGNORE" >
<!ENTITY % xhtml-bdo.module      "%XHTML.bidi;" >

<!ENTITY % xhtml-model.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML Basic 1.0 Document Model 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-basic10-model-1.mod" >

<!ENTITY % xhtml-framework.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML Modular Framework 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-framework-1.mod" >

<!ENTITY % pre.content
     "( #PCDATA
      | %InlStruct.class;
      %Inline.extra; )*"

<!ENTITY % xhtml-text.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Text 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-text-1.mod" >

<!ENTITY % xhtml-hypertext.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Hypertext 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-hypertext-1.mod" >

<!ENTITY % xhtml-list.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Lists 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-list-1.mod" >

<!-- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -->

<!-- Image Module  ............................................... -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-image.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % xhtml-image.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Images 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-image-1.mod" >

<!-- Tables Module ............................................... -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-table.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % xhtml-table.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Basic Tables 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-basic-table-1.mod" >

<!-- Forms Module  ............................................... -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-form.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % xhtml-form.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Basic Forms 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-basic-form-1.mod" >

<!-- Link Element Module  ........................................ -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-link.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % xhtml-link.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Link Element 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-link-1.mod" >

<!-- Document Metainformation Module  ............................ -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-meta.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % xhtml-meta.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Metainformation 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-meta-1.mod" >

<!-- Base Element Module  ........................................ -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-base.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % xhtml-base.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Base Element 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-base-1.mod" >

<!-- Param Element Module  ....................................... -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-param.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % xhtml-param.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Param Element 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-param-1.mod" >

<!-- Embedded Object Module  ..................................... -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-object.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % xhtml-object.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Embedded Object 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-object-1.mod" >

<!ENTITY % xhtml-struct.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Document Structure 1.0//EN"
            "xhtml-struct-1.mod" >

<!-- end of XHTML Basic 1.0 DTD  ........................................... -->

B.3 XHTML基本のカスタム化


<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- XHTML Basic 1.0 Document Model Module  .................................... -->
<!-- file: xhtml-basic10-model-1.mod

     This is XHTML Basic, a proper subset of XHTML.
     Copyright 1998-2000 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: xhtml-basic10-model-1.mod,v 2.8 2000/11/03 14:28:25 mimasa Exp $ SMI

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

       PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML Basic 1.0 Document Model 1.0//EN"
       SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/xhtml-basic10-model-1.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- XHTML Basic Document Model

     This module describes the groupings of elements that make up
     common content models for XHTML elements.

<!-- Optional Elements in head  .............. -->

<!ENTITY % HeadOpts.mix
     "( %meta.qname; | %link.qname; | %object.qname; )*" >

<!-- Miscellaneous Elements  ................. -->

<!ENTITY % Misc.class "" >

<!-- Inline Elements  ........................ -->

<!ENTITY % InlStruct.class "%br.qname; | %span.qname;" >

<!ENTITY % InlPhras.class
     "| %em.qname; | %strong.qname; | %dfn.qname; | %code.qname;
      | %samp.qname; | %kbd.qname; | %var.qname; | %cite.qname;
      | %abbr.qname; | %acronym.qname; | %q.qname;" >

<!ENTITY % InlPres.class "" >

<!ENTITY % I18n.class "" >

<!ENTITY % Anchor.class "| %a.qname;" >

<!ENTITY % InlSpecial.class "| %img.qname; | %object.qname;" >

<!ENTITY % InlForm.class
     "| %input.qname; | %select.qname; | %textarea.qname;
      | %label.qname;"

<!ENTITY % Inline.extra "" >

<!ENTITY % Inline.class

<!ENTITY % InlNoAnchor.class

<!ENTITY % InlNoAnchor.mix

<!ENTITY % Inline.mix

<!-- Block Elements  ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % Heading.class
     "%h1.qname; | %h2.qname; | %h3.qname;
      | %h4.qname; | %h5.qname; | %h6.qname;"
<!ENTITY % List.class  "%ul.qname; | %ol.qname; | %dl.qname;" >

<!ENTITY % Table.class "| %table.qname;" >

<!ENTITY % Form.class  "| %form.qname;" >

<!ENTITY % BlkStruct.class "%p.qname; | %div.qname;" >

<!ENTITY % BlkPhras.class
     "| %pre.qname; | %blockquote.qname; | %address.qname;"

<!ENTITY % BlkPres.class "" >

<!ENTITY % BlkSpecial.class

<!ENTITY % Block.extra "" >

<!ENTITY % Block.class

<!ENTITY % Block.mix
      | %List.class;
      | %Block.class;

<!-- All Content Elements  ................... -->

<!-- declares all content except tables
<!ENTITY % FlowNoTable.mix
      | %List.class;
      | %BlkStruct.class;
      | %Inline.class;

<!ENTITY % Flow.mix
      | %List.class;
      | %Block.class;
      | %Inline.class;

<!-- end of xhtml-basic10-model-1.mod -->