[ Contents | 1. | 3. ]

2. Registration of Font-related Identifiers

Yushi Komachi

2.1 Responsibility Transfer to Glocom of the Registration Authority for ISO/IEC 10036

(1) Background

Unicode Consortium requested to take responsibility of the Registration Authority for ISO/IEC 10036 and it was accepted by ISO (see JTC1 N5720: Appointment of the Unicode Consortium as Registration Authority for ISO/IEC 10036). Just after the acceptance, the Authority declared that the registration activity should be stopped due to no more requirements for registration (see SC34 N0092), and requested to withdraw the ISO/IEC 10036.

(2) JTC1/SC34 Meeting in Dec. 1999

JTC1/SC34 met in Dec. 1999 and confirmed that the Liaison organization cannot request a withdrawal of existing standards and that the withdrawal should be discussed in a periodic review procedure of the standard. SC34 accepted the following resolution on Registration Authority for ISO/IEC 10036:

SC 34 notes the possibility of Japan's assuming responsibility of the Registration Authority for ISO/IEC 10036 and requests that a final decision on whether someone in Japan will be able to do this be taken by 1 June 2000.

(3) Glocom's proposal

Responding the resolution of SC34, Glocom submitted a proposal (SC34 N0145) to take responsibility of the Registration Authority.

(4) JTC1/SC34 Meeting in June 2000

SC34 appreciated the Glocom's proposal and accepted the following resolution:

SC 34 notes SC 34 N 145, Letter from Glocom Regarding the Registration Authority for ISO/IEC 10036, confirming their agreement to assume responsibility of the Registration Authority for ISO/IEC 10036. SC 34 approves this transfer of responsibility and requests that this request be submitted to JTC 1 for approval.

(5) JTC1 Meeting in Nov. 2000

JTC1 approved (in JTC1 N6340) the responsibility transfer to Glocom of the registration authority for ISO/IEC 10036.

2.2 Technical Corrigendum to ISO/IEC 10036

ISO/IEC 10036:1996 specifies an application form for glyph and glyph collection identifiers. For more efficient registration procedure, SC34/WG2 proposed a technical corrigendum (SC34 N0156) to amend the application form into XML DTD.

The proposal was accepted by the TC ballot dated of Nov. 2000 and SC34/WG2 created the final text of the technical corrigendum and forwarded it to SC34 secretariat for publication process.

Specifications of the technical corrigendum are shown in the following attachment:


Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO/IEC 10036:1996, Font information interchange?Procedures for registration of font-related identifiers



This technical corrigendum corrects registration forms in order to make online registration feasible.

C.1 Glyph registration request

Replace the registration request form of ISO/IEC 10036:1996 with the following DTD:

<!-- SGML DTD for ISO/IEC 10036 Glyph Registration -->

<!-- (c) International Organization for Standardization 1991 Permission
to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming WebSGML
systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879:1986(WWW),
provided this notice is included in all copies. -->

Glyph Registration Request Form DTD
Date: 16 June, 2000

<!-- Public document type definition. Typical invocation:
<!DOCTYPE glyphrrf PUBLIC "ISO/IEC 10036:1996 TC:2000//DTD Glyph Registration Request Form//EN"> -->

<!-- DTD for Glyph Registration -->
<!DOCTYPE glyphrrf [

<!-- Registration Form -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_rr (requester, glyph_image, glyph_desc*, font*, attachment*)>

<!-- Requester -->
<!ELEMENT requester (name, organ, addr1, addr2, tel, fax, email, desc)>
<!ELEMENT organ (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT addr1 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT addr2 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Glyph Information -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_image (shape_data, data_size, data_format)>
<!ELEMENT shape_data (IMG)>
<!ELEMENT data_size (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT data_format (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Glyph Descriptions -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_desc (description*, function*)>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT function (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Font Information -->
<!ELEMENT font (font_data, (code_point, code_sys)*, (related_code, code_sys)*)>
<!ELEMENT font_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST font_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT code_point (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT related_code (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT code_sys (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Attachment Information -->
<!ELEMENT attachment (audio*, video*, related_URI*, aux*)>
<!ELEMENT audio ((audio_data, data_format) | related_URI)>
<!ELEMENT video ((video_data, data_format) | related_URI)>
<!ELEMENT related_URI (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT audio_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST audio_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT video_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST video_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>


C.2 Glyph collection registration request

Replace the registration request form of ISO/IEC 10036:1996 with the following DTD:

<!-- SGML DTD for ISO/IEC 10036 Glyph Collection Registration -->

<!-- (c) International Organization for Standardization 1991 Permission
to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming WebSGML
systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879:1986(WWW),
provided this notice is included in all copies. -->

Glyph Collection Registration Request Form DTD
Date: 16 June, 2000

<!-- Public document type definition. Typical invocation:
<!DOCTYPE glyphcrrf PUBLIC "ISO/IEC 10036:1996 TC:2000//DTD Glyph Collection Registration Request Form//EN"> -- >

<!-- DTD for Glyph Collection Registration -->
<!DOCTYPE glyphcrrf [

<!-- Registration Form -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_crr (requester, glyph_IDs, glyph_coldesc*, font*, attachment* )>

<!-- Requester -->
<!ELEMENT requester (name, organ, addr1, addr2, tel, fax, email, desc)>
<!ELEMENT organ (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT addr1 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT addr2 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Glyph Collection Information -- >
<!ELEMENT glyph_IDs (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Glyph Collection Descriptions -->
<!ELEMENT glyph_coldesc (description*, function*)>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT function (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Font Information -->
<!ELEMENT font (font_data, (code_point, code_sys)*, (related_code, code_sys)*)>
<!ELEMENT font_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST font_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT code_point (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT related_code (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT code_sys (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Attachment Information -->
<!ELEMENT attachment (audio*, video*, related_URI*, aux*)>
<!ELEMENT audio ((audio_data, data_format) | related_URI)>
<!ELEMENT video ((video_data, data_format) | related_URI)>
<!ELEMENT related_URI (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT audio_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST audio_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT video_data EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST video_data src CDATA #REQUIRED>


Annex A

Replace the Annex A of ISO/IEC 10036:1996 with the following Annex:

Annex A
Registration Authority

The Registration Authority for font-related objects approved by ISO is:

  Center for Global Communications (Glocom)
  International University of Japan

  Harks Roppongi Bldg. 2F, 6-15-21 Roppongi
  Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032

  Telephone: +81-3-5411-6681
  Facsimile: +81-3-5412-7111
  Web: http://www.glocom.ac.jp

[ Contents | 1. | 3. ]