For IEC use only
Draft agenda of the 25th meeting of the TC100/AGS on Wednesday, 20 May, 2009
Meeting location: Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)
1919 South Eads Street
Arlington, VA 22202 USA
Meeting time: 10.00 - 17.00
1. Opening and reconfirmation of AGS scope --- 100/AGS(Secr.)233
2. Approval of the agenda --- 100/AGS(Secr.)342
3. Review of the minutes of the last meeting --- 100/AGS(Secr.)339
4. Membership of AGS
Membership reported to SMB --- Annex 1 of SMB/3922/R (Report of AGS meeting)
Attendee list of the 25th TC100 AGS meeting --- 100/AGS(Secr.)343
5. New Technologies within the scope of TC100
5.1 Follow-up of Response Plan on the PACT report
(1) Technical report(s) on TC100 object identification and classification of resources
- Report of the stage 0 project --- (H. Ikeda) 100/AGS(Secr.)344
5.2 Follow-up of other issues of 24th (or former) meeting
(1) Digital TV receiver and mobile equipment
DVB-H mobile TV market status
--- (P. Talmola) 100/AGS(Secr.)362
Common API for T-DMB receivers
--- (J. Y. Lee) 100/AGS(Secr.)357
(2) Digital Cinema
--- (M. Hyman)
- Reports of SMPTE DC28 and ISO/TC36 --- (M. Hyman) 100/AGS(Secr.)356
(3) TC100 security
- Report of Adhoc Group on IETF scheme for TC100 security standardization
--- (J. Yoshio and R. Atarashi) 100/AGS(Secr.)345
(4) Energy efficiency
- Report of Adhoc Group on Priority for TC100 energy efficiency --- (J. Baronas) 100/AGS(Secr.)341, 2009-01-20
- Report of SMB SG.1 --- (J. Baronas) SMB/3970/R, 2009-03-27
- SMB SG1 Recommendations,Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources --- (J. Baronas) 100/AGS(Secr.)360
- TC100 response to SMB 3970R --- (J. Baronas) 100/AGS(Secr.)349, 2009-05-01
- Report on the Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Group (EEAHG) --- (J. Baronas) 100/AGS(Secr.)365
- New TA proposal on TC100 energy efficiency --- (J. Baronas) 100/AGS(Secr.)355, 2009-05-01
- Battery charging interface for small hand-held multimedia devices --- (P. Talmola) 100/AGS(Secr.)350, 100/AGS(Secr.)363
- Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) distribution systems --- (N. Minami) 100/AGS(Secr.)351
- Smart Grids --- (N. Minami) 100/AGS(Secr.)352
- Korea's energy-efficiency policies andactivities related tomanagement of energy at home --- (J. Y. Lee) 100/AGS(Secr.)358
5.3 New contributions
(1) The high-level meeting of ITU-T, JTC1 and IEC/TC100
- Report of the 1st high-level meeting
--- (S. Hirakawa) 100/AGS(Secr.)340
- Report of the 1st Adhoc
--- (S. Hirakawa) 100/AGS(Secr.)346, 100/AGS(Secr.)361
- Minutes of the 1st Adhoc
--- (M. Hyman and S. Hirakawa) 100/AGS(Secr.)347
- Status reports for the common text on TA8 permission codes
--- (S. Matsumura and S. Hirakawa) 100/AGS(Secr.)348
(2) New TC100 standardization model including IPTV, PC hardware and etc.
- Requirements and the 1st working draft for the standardization model
--- (J. Yoshio) 100/AGS(Secr.)359
(3) Relationship between TC100 and TC108
- Relationship between TC100 and TC108, and proposal to modify the scopes
--- (S. Hirakawa) 100/AGS(Secr.)353
5.4 Reports on related activities
(1) Update on ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 --- (K. Grant) 100/AGS(Secr.)3xx
(2) Report on accessibility project --- (J. Baronas) 100/AGS(Secr.)354
(3) WSC Report --- (S. Hirakawa) 100/AGS(Secr.)3xx
(4) CEA 3D Update --- (B. Markwalter) 100/AGS(Secr.)364
6. Review of recommendations and agreed action items --- 100/AGS(Secr.)366
7. Meeting schedule
8. Other business
9. Closing